Page 57 - 101 Ways to Market Your Business
P. 57
9 Does your business have a memorable name?
Having a good business name is a very important factor in
standing out from the crowd. I get very frustrated when I
see businesses with names that really don’t seem to make
sense to me. Sometimes I think people try to be too clever
when it comes to naming a business.
If you have a million dollars to promote your business
name you can saturate television and newspapers to educate
the general public. If you have a limited marketing budget
your name becomes another marketing tool, not a market-
ing liability. By all means choose a name that is different
and funny but try to tell people what you do.
Everyone will want to give you their opinion when it
comes to choosing a name. How do you decide what is
right and what is wrong? There is probably no right or
wrong but there are a few points that can increase the
effectiveness of your name. Try some of these:
1. Try to include what your business does in your name.
Real Estate
2. You can include your name to give the business a more
personal feel.
Roger’s Real Estate
3. Include your location if you plan to focus on one area.
Roger’s Russian Real Estate
4. If you specialise try to put that in your name as well.
Roger’s Russian Residential Real Estate
Our business name used to be ‘Australian Business and
Marketing Solutions’. People had fallen asleep by the time
they were half way through it. We became known as ‘Solu-
tions Marketing’ which suited us as it said what we do in a
fairly simple way. As our business grew and we began to take
on more corporate and government work we changed our
company name to ‘The Marketing Professionals’ to reflect