Page 102 - 100 Great Marketing Ideas (100 Great Ideas)
P. 102


Amazingly, many firms have little or no idea of what happens to
their products after they leave the factory. Yet such information
is clearly vital in developing new products, and in knowing what
the key benefits are of the old products. After all, if a baker found
out that the main use for his rye bread was as doorstops he might
consider changing the recipe.

The idea

Fisher-Price is among the world’s largest toy manufacturers,
especially in the toddler and younger child markets. The company,
which is based in Chicago, hit on the idea of running a free crèche
for pre-school children. The toys are all made by Fisher-Price: some
are established in the market, others are prototypes.

What the children neither know nor care about is that they are
research subjects. Trained observers watch the children to see which
toys are the most popular, which are ignored, which are played with
for a few minutes and then rejected, which are clung to fiercely at
the end of the day, and exactly how children play with the toys.

This observational research is invaluable in developing new products
and modifying old ones.

In practice

• You need to observe over a long period of time.

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