Page 3 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 3

Since 1940, the business world has changed dramatically, yet the core
concepts in this book still hold true today.



chapter I—hoW to start your oWn BusIness 13

The story of money—the first step in making money—how to begin making
money—raising money to start a business—the story of the cash register—
how J. C. Penney made his first $l,000—the story of “Morning Glory”
tomato juice—how the great Wanamaker business started—Mrs. MacDougall
turned $38 into a million— how Otto Schnering made his first $1,000.

chapter II—sellIng as a BusIness 27

Qualifications of a good salesman—getting the name on the order blank—
deciding what to sell—every woman is a hosiery prospect—overcoming price
objections—how to sell “tailored-tomeasure” suits—the right and wrong way
to sell nursery stock— selling frocks brings back prosperity—a good way to
sell radios—a storeless shoe business—James Horner became a “premium
specialist”—$1,000 from selling fire extinguishers—a business selling
mending fluid—selling protection against death—unique cigarette dispensing
humidor—selling printing specialties to business men—bringing the store to
the customer—how Cord earned his first $1,000—using old customers to get
new ones—antiques are coming back—Sullivan’s collection system portfolio
—how the Waffles sell moth tabs—possibilities of industrial uniforms—five
dollars starts stamp exchange—a “killing” on carded merchandise—“taking a
chance” on soap wins for Fitze—every man wears shirts—gifts for young
men to give to girls—greeting cards made money for Ettinger.

chapter III—MakIng thIngs to sell 71

Free training in handicrafts—suiting your product to your markets—Billy B.
Van and his “Pine Tree” soap—Knapp specialized in pressed chicken—
handkerchiefs for the Chinese– start a pie bakery–$l00 per month with felt
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