Page 8 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 8

and there still exists considerable unemployment, even the most pessimistic
man must concede that the last two or three years have put us all on a firmer
footing. In fact, a great number of companies have managed to reach their
sales peak since the black days of 1935. Business does exist for the man who
will work and plan for it.

Here in the United States, legislation has been enacted that is particularly
favorable to the small business man. Obstacles, inadvertently put in his way
by early activities of the administration, have given way to a sincere desire to
help the small business man, who is the real backbone of American industry.
Agencies have been set up especially to protect and help him. He is the
“white haired” boy of the new order of things.

We have all heard a great deal about the opportunities of bygone years. We
envy the men who discovered and settled the West. We wish that all the
railroads were not built so that those opportunities would still be open. Why,
the opportunities of yesterday are as nothing compared with the opportunities
that await the courageous, resourceful man today! There are fortunes to be
made that will make those of Astor and Rockefeller seem picayune.

Ever since the beginning of time the world has made way for the determined
man with a real idea for serving his fellow men. In ancient Egypt, in classical
Greece, in legalistic Rome, as in every succeeding stage of civilization,
society has rewarded those who served it best. It will continue to do so for
many thousands of years to come.

So if you have the urge to go into business, or to lay the foundation for a
future business by capitalizing your spare time, delay no longer. If you wait
for conditions, conditions may leave you in the lurch. Determine upon some
plan of action that will enable you to render a needed service to your
community. Put your whole heart and soul into rendering that service. Face
the disappointments that go with starting in business resolutely and
courageously. Cultivate courtesy and consideration of others. Work as you
never worked before, and you will succeed. But you cannot possibly succeed
until you start. Nor can you succeed unless you serve.
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