Page 4 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 4

work—starting a food specialty business—making money from worn-out
tires— community marketing of handicrafts—an architect for the birds—
building a business on homemade fudge—where to sell candied popcorn—
ivory carving proves remunerative— potato chips made Hibbard independent
—doll hospital pays for operation—brown bread and beans pay the taxes—he
made “snake snaks” popular—what you can make from clam shells—
Tosdale sisters saw Paris on fancy pillows—makes miniature

chapter III—MakIng thIngs to sell (Cont.)

reproductions of antiques—a rattling good income from rattlers— he
specialized in “hamburgers”—etched bottles and boxes sell easily—the
vogue for wrought iron house numbers—James Mack’s sandwich bar—
doughnuts bring profits—motor-driven chairs for invalids—100 other things
easy to make.

chapter IV—raIsIng thIngs to sell 107

He cultivates violas for the market—a map salesman learns how to raise and
sell broilers—Mrs. Fox’s mink ranch—goat dairying—a coming business—a
different kind of poultry farm— selling “fighting” fish by mail—breeding
dogs for fun and profit— bee keeping for profit—there’s a big demand for
ornamental birds—-a smart way to market broilers—raising rabbits for their
wool—“glad” garden brings joy and profit—making money from an herb
garden—raising goldfish for premiums—-cleaning up on turkeys—raising
Irish terriers—quick profits from mushrooms— advertising makes farm pay.

chapter V—thIngs to InVent and patent 137

What goes with a patent—the cost of taking out a patent— improvements are
the most salable patents—Bert Pond’s hobby ended up in a business—
electrical toy sells out State Street— funeral flags and insignia—toy
automobile puzzles onlookers—profits from whittling—a shoe pain-killer
builds a new business—Coleman made his $1,000 with polish—Mrs.
Royeton’s button-eyed lambs.

chapter VI—startIng a roadsIde BusIness 153
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