Page 5 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 5

Good profits from a “sale barn”—a roadside tire repair business— a target
green for iron practice—selling bait at a roadside stand— making a “stop and
sock it” range pay—a roadside bookstore.

chapter VII—storekeepIng as a BusIness 161

Deciding what kind of store to open—choosing the best location—what
makes a store successful—keep merchandise moving—starting a stamp shop
—making a grocery store pay—-the “ins and outs” of running a gift shop—
how to become a corsetiere—start a second-hand magazine shop—quality
sells—-even hamburgers—butter-and-egg stores can be easily started—the
hosiery bar—the fat men’s shop—open a drug-less drug store— “dollar
pups” make pet store pay—cashing in on the tropical fish vogue.

chaper VIII—proMotIng a sMall BusIness 187

Showmanship in business—promoting a business with premiums—direct-
mail advertising—contest for increasing a store’s list—how to make
newspaper advertising pay—how Harding built a restaurant business—a
change in policy started a laundry—on the road to leadership—Milo Jones
started his sausage business with a $30 advertisement—restaurant which
caters to children— bridge prize puts over home library—returnable
containers pep up sales—an advertising adventure blazed the path of success
for Weber’s bakery—how $150 a month advertising built a $10,000,000
business—open-air market brings added profits—mixing a good time with
good food—using one product to sell another.

chapter IX—sellIng thIngs By Mall 203

Essentials of a mail-order business—importance of repeat orders—writing
“copy” to sell by mail—what can be profitably sold by mail—making your
letters pull—the mechanics of a good sales letter— too much “you” is worse
than too much “we”—testing chart for letters—let the other fellow shout your
praises—ask for the order—a spare-time business became the world’s largest
mail-order house—a one-man business with a million customers— reaching
the smoker by mail.
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