Page 105 - Social Media Marketing
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By fundamentally enabling relationships, profiles dramatically speed the process                     83
of social bonding within a network and so are very important elements of modern
forums, discussion boards, support communities, or other online social spaces. Profiles                      ■ SOCIAL PROFILES
provide human starting points for bonding with other participants, including the
profile(s) associated with a brand, business, or organization.

        Readily identifiable participants are beneficial on the social web: Consider what
happens when identity is introduced into an otherwise anonymous online application.
Among other things, with identity comes an increase in the overall sense of individual
accountability: If participants know who the others around them are, and understand
as well that their own identity (as least as far as it exists via their profile) is equally
known, there is a more tempered behavior than exists absent this sense of identity and
individual accountability. Flame wars, for example, are less likely—all other things
being equal—in communities with a strong implementation of identity. It’s a lot like
driving in traffic: In the relative anonymity of a sound proof, air-conditioned cabin, it’s
not uncommon for one driver to become visibly frustrated with other drivers. When
that same driver realizes that the object of such frustration happens to be a friend,
co-worker, or neighbor in the car ahead, that knowledge often alters that driver’s atti-
tude, for the better. Visible identity makes a difference within an online social commu-
nity for exactly the same reason.

       J. D. Lasica

        Writer J.D Lasica offers as an e-book his work on the impact of identity on society and the
        application of cloud computing. This book, developed in conjunction with the Aspen Institute,
        is highly recommended as a starting point in understanding how identity and the role of the
        social profile impact the business applications of social technology. You can follow J. D Lasica on
        Twitter: @jdlasica.


The Profile as a Social Connector

The role of the social profile as a connector cannot be understated in business applica-
tions of social media. Following on the prior discussion, the social profile provides two
central social elements, both of which are essential:

•	 A tangible personal identifier around which a relationship can be formed
•	 A framework for accountability for one’s actions, postings, and roles taken in

        the relationship that forms
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