Page 410 - Social Media Marketing
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BuddyMedia and, 94, 95                   “United Breaks Guitars” video, 39       Web Analytics: An Hour a Day

         business presence on, 303                Universal Flight Information Systems,      (Kaushik), 156

         BuzzStream and, 128, 129                    122                                  Web Analytics 2.0 (Kaushik), 156

         Café Coffee Day and, 186–187,            universal social graph, 306–310         “websites-as-islands,” 310

         188                                      “upstream,” 251                         WebSphere, 124

         Comcast and, 9, 226–227                  USAF Altimeter response matrix, 12,

         connecting and, 301                         25, 186, 345                            diagram-how-the-air-force-

         ContextOptional and, 94, 95              use policies. See Terms of Use             response-to-blogs, 12

         customer service and response            V                                       Webtrends, 145, 155

         systems and, 236                                                                 Wet Seal, 342

388      as customer support channel, 9           V2V (volunteer-to-volunteer)            “What’s Your Folly,” 94, 323
         Dell and, 92                                    program, 292                     white-label social platforms, 85, 90,
index ■  Dyson bladeless fans and, 123,
                                                  value homophily, 291–292                       91–92, 207, 309, 328
                148                               values-based communities, 293           Whole Foods Market, 117, 212, 258,
         Foursquare v., 197                       Vancouver, Hub Network in, 127
         Freshbooks and, 116–117                  Vann, CD, 44                                   279, 280, 290
         Friend2Friend and, 94, 322–323           Vauxhall, 320                           “whole-business,” 4, 39, 119, 180
         friends and, 324                         Vendor Relationship Management          widgets, 94
         getting found on, 301                                                            Wi-Fi, 172, 217, 218, 337
         identity and, 319                               (VRM), 45                        wiki-based social software listing
         JetBlue’s T5 and, 218–219, 220           Vernocchi, Marco, 47
         KinkFM and, 257                          Via cups, 337                                  (Dachis Group), 91, 334
         KPIs and, 128                            Vimeo, 257, 285                         Wilson, Ian, 224
         Minggl and, 308                          virality, 4, 97, 144, 276               Windows 7 advertising, 253
         news travel and, 13                      visualization                           Wolverton, Michelle, 116
         profile completion and, 300, 319                                                 Women’s Fund of Miami-Dade
         purpose-built applications and, 94           data visualization, 289
         retweet capability, 296–297, 305,            partisanship visualization, 292            County, 43–44
                                                  voicemail application, Aircel, 65, 66,  Wordpress, 275, 332
                307, 308                                                                  workflow, 49, 50, 77, 91, 113, 115,
         “scared” tweet and, 73                          103, 271, 326, 331
         short posts and, 148, 256, 284,          volume (sentiment/source/volume),              130, 131, 137, 148, 171, 231,
                                                                                                 240, 242, 243, 340, 344, 345,
                318                                      141–143                                 346
         social analytics tools and, 25           volunteer-to-volunteer (V2V)            workflow-enabled analytics tools, 23
         social graph and, 293                                                            workplace collaboration, 339–341
         social graph mapping and, 127,                  program, 292                     World of Warcraft, 267
                                                  VRM (Vendor Relationship                World Wildlife Fund, 271

                                                         Management), 45

                128                               W                                       X
         social objects and, 256–257
         SomaFM and, 257                          wakeboarding, 267, 284                  XFN Protocol, 315

         Step Change Group and, 94                Walmart                                 Y
         Telstra and, 65, 236, 320                    Bazaarvoice and, 12, 226

         “3D friends” v., 261                        change agents and, 186               Yammer, 185, 235, 340

         Tweet in Klingon v., 95                     correlation and, 157       , 6, 30–31, 232

         Tweetdeck and, 128, 129                     negative conversations and, 226      “Your customer has the answer,” 104

         TweetTone and, 147                          organic foods and, 226               Your Mascot Sucks, 101

         Twellow and, 290, 291, 296                  “The Hub” and, 277, 278              YouTube

         Twitter Marketing: An Hour a Day         Walton, Sam, 104                           brand outposts and, 65, 97

         (Thomases), 324                          Wampler, Kira, 39                          branded business channels and,

         “Twitter Pitch,” 149                     Wang, Ray, 239                                   328

         TwitterGrader, 149                       weak ties, 153                             Channels, 97

         2.0 Adoption Council, 341                Web 1.0, 96                                Facebook vs., 32

         2010 InterOp Mumbai presentation, Web 2.0 Expo, 305                                 Freescale and, 9, 65
                                                  Web 2.0 technologies. See Social Web       as social media program (in
         2020 Social, 15, 16, 100, 111, 303,
                                                  Web analytics, 154–158, 159, 160,                business), 329
         304 161, 162, 311
         Tyson Foods “Hunger All-Stars”                                                   Z
                program, 270, 271, 272               bounce rate and, 154, 156, 158,
                                                            311                           Zappos, 22, 117, 118, 119, 132, 226,
         U                                                                                       244, 280, 342
                                                     Google Analytics and, 144, 154,
         Ubuntu, Linux, 193                                 155, 158, 160                 Zenith Optimedia study, 54
         Unilever, 178
         unique visits (Web analytics), 144, 155     referrer URL and, 155
         United Airlines, 39                         time spent/pages viewed and, 23,

                                                            67, 125, 154, 155, 158, 311
                                                     unique visits and, 144, 155
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