Page 409 - Social Media Marketing
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social technology. See also social “My Starbucks Idea” ideation Thomases-Kim, Beth, 132 387
media application, 25, 26, 96, 176,, 191–193
193, 206, 252, 253, 337 “3D friends,” 261 ■ ╇ I ndex
business decisions and, 109–137 3-hour rule (flight delays), 214, 215,
business objectives and, 343–344, No-Splash Stick and, 236, 337 and, 25, 70, 91, 216, 217, 219
347 360 Digital Influence (Ogilvy), 116,
collaboration and, 15 129, 171, 193, 206, 207,
health care example and, 72–74 235, 238, 239 166
reach of, 4 V2V program and, 292 tiger poaching, 271, 272
social business and, 6–7, 14 status community, 292 time spent/pages viewed, 23, 67, 125,
social computing policies and, 33 status homophily, 291
Social Feedback Cycle and, 5 status quo, 185–186 154, 155, 158, 311
Socialtext and, 31, 75, 76, 78, 91, status ranking, 292 titles/tags/categories/descriptions
Step Change Group, 94
135, 137, 171, 185, 235, 253, Stewart, Jon, 258 (metadata), 275, 284
339, 340, 347 “stickiness,” 59, 296, 297, 325 T-Mobile G1, 90, 223
successful outcomes and, 321–322 Storer, Jim, 34 TNS, 124, 168
touchpoint analysis and, 74, Storm Lures, 205 Top Friends, 103, 324–325
117–123 structured “suggestion boxes,” 220 touchpoint analysis, 74, 117–123
Web 2.0 and, 3 successful outcomes, 321–322 touchpoints, 117, 124, 176, 234
“Social Times” (O’Neill), 143, 144, “suggested friends,” 297, 300, 309 traditional media
163 “suggestion boxes,” structured, 220
Social Web (Web 2.0) Sun Microsystems, 252, 254 BusinessWeek, 48, 97, 98
Bill of Privacy Rights, 303 Sunbelt conferences, 314 collaboration and, 19
“Bill of Rights,” 237 Super Bowl, 123, 176, 259 consumption and, 15, 16–17, 26,
engagement and, 11–21 Super Wall, 63
tips for, 165–199 support forums, 8, 90–93, 131–132. 32, 86, 87, 174, 175, 212,
Web 1.0 and, 96 See also customer support 259, 323, 331
Social Web Connect, 238 curation and, 17 conversations and, 119
Social Web Strategies, 45, 279 Dell and, 132, 210, 338 engagement and, 11, 15, 21
Socialcast, 171, 235, 340, 347 negative conversations and, 92–93 Inc. Magazine, 48
Socialtext, 31, 75, 76, 78, 91, 135, self-directed customer support v., interruptions and, 4, 57, 258–260,
137, 171, 185, 235, 253, 339, 207, 223 282, 283, 284
340, 347 social applications, 346 measurement and, 141, 179, 137 as social platforms, 104 social media v., 141–142, 235, 237
SocialTyze, 94 survey card, Kingfisher Airlines, 336 traffic leads, 144
SocialVibe, 63, 103, 318, 320, 321 Susan G. Komen Foundation, 270 transactional activities, 30, 36, 39,
Software as a Service (SaaS), 91, 133, Sysomos, 46, 124, 151, 152, 170, 250 57, 82, 104, 237
325, 328, 332 Sysomos Heartbeat, 129, 149 transit time/lifetime, 158
Soho Publishing, 44–45 Sysomos MAP, 149, 152 transparency, 207, 208
Sohobiztube, 44, 45 TransUnion, 91
Solis, Brian, 149, 152, 283 T Treadaway, Chris, 327
solution transfer, 69–71 Trekkies, 95
SomaFM, 257 tags/titles/categories/descriptions trend charts, 143
Sony Ericsson mobile phone, 330 (metadata), 275, 284 Trop50, 59, 263, 282
Sorg, Dusty, 96 Trunk Mobile Radio System, 122
sources “Take Your Own Path” (Dell), 55, 92, trust
of business analytics, 161–162 176, 178, 206, 208, 268, 326 engagement and, 210–211
sentiment analysis and, 146–148 social capital and, 151–152
sentiment/source/volume, 141–143 talent communities (Gautam Ghosh Trust Barometer, 48, 50
social graph and, 127–128 Talent Communities), 286 T-shirt designs, 191–193
Southwest Airlines, 12, 56, 94, 186,, 304
217 Talk to HT, 210 Tupperware parties, 58
spam, 33, 302 talkworthiness, 74, 114, 117, 195, Turk, Jeff, 180, 181
Spence, Roy, 56 Tweet in Klingon, 94–95, 105
spend-driven programs (social 256, 263, 272, 273, 274, 276, Tweetdeck, 14, 73, 127, 128, 129,
presence), 59–61 279, 280, 285, 318, 324, 341 242, 297
sports Target, 90, 94 tweets
action, 263, 264, 267, 268, 284 Tchibo, 236, 335 Atari’s Tweet in Klingon, 94–95,
social objects and, 256, 267 TechCrunch, 49 105
spot influencers, 306–307 Techrigy, 168. See also Alterian’s hospital tweet, 73
Star Trek video game, 94 SM2 platform short posts and, 148, 256, 284,
Starbucks Telstra, 65, 236, 320 318
Branded! and, 342 Terms of Use, 33 TweetTone, 147
Texas. See Austin, Texas Twellow, 290, 291, 296
Tharoor, Shashi, 224, 225 Twitter
“think like a fish” approach, 204–206 brand outposts and, 65, 97
Thomases, Hollis, 324