Page 406 - Social Media Marketing
P. 406
Orkut, 59, 60, 61, 63, 65, 66, 86, 88, Philips R
P384 92, 95, 143, 288, 325 Consumer Business Unit and, 245 Radian6, 124, 129, 168, 238, 239,
outbound marketing, 111, 126, 144, Socialcast and, 171, 235, 340, 347 250
index ■ Pinakatt, Prinz, 98
250 Pizza Hut, 342 Radio Shack, 91, 104
outposts. See brand outposts pizza shop, 229 Ramachandran, Anjali, 333, 334
outputs, 7–8 planning social applications, 341–346 Rand, Paul, 12
Owyang, Jeremiah, 50, 204, 239, 288 PLATO Notes, 77 Rapleaf, 235, 238, 242, 293–294
Oxton, Greg, 75 Pluck, 224 ratings/reviews. See also curation
Oxyme, 124, 151, 250, 16
Ozzie, Ray, 77 point of view. See customer point of airlines and, 12
Bazaarvoice and, 12, 124,
pages viewed/time spent, 23, 67, 125, view
154, 155, 158, 311 point-based reputation systems, 68 145–146, 160, 226, 332
polarity, 14, 142. See also sentiment commerce optimization and, 124
Paine, K. D., 162, 179 post frequency (influencer analytics), curation as, 17
Pampers, 260, 263 easy usage of, 332
Pampers Village community, 259– 149 The Good Guide and, 89, 90,
Posterous blogging platform, 99, 178,
260, 278 140, 341
Pandora, 326 206, 207, 291 prior to, 6
participation POV. See customer point of view SAS Institute and, 70, 124, 235,
Powered, 91, 104
curation and, 17 Powered by Pluck, 224 238, 248, 254, 274, 280, 347
customers and, 50, 55–56 PR Measurement Blog, 179 WebSphere and, 124
Dell and, 14 Premiere Global. See PGi and, 6, 30–31, 232
engagement and, 11 pre-sales funnel, 160 reach (influencer analytics), 149
external, 69 presence, 86 ReadWriteWeb, 289, 318, 334
internal, 69 “Real Women, Real Voices”
measurement and, 67–69, around social objects, 262, 264
building, 62–63 campaign, 43
311–312 spend-driven programs and, “real world” aspect (social
passion and, 56–59
relative, 68 59–61 computing), 261
social businesses and, 54–56, on Twitter/Facebook, 303 recognition, 9, 175
primary social media analytics, 144 “reconnect” program (Facebook),
64–65 product innovation cycle, 111–113,
partisanship visualization, 292 299–300
Passenger (research community 136, 252 Red Bull logo, 263
product reviews, consumer-generated, Red Bull University, 268, 269
provider), 222 referrer URL, 155
passions, 268 90 Refresh project (Pepsi), 176, 177, 268,
profile completion, 71
“higher calling” and, 56–59, 64, 292, 334, 335
104, 176, 178 Facebook and, 319 Reichheld, Fred, 126, 180, 212. See
importance of, 298
participation and, 56–59 LinkedIn and, 71, 85, 298, 299, also Net Promoter Score
Red Bull University and, 268, 269 relationships, 295–296
Refresh project and, 176, 177, 324 relative participation, 68
measures of participation and, “Relevance of Enterprise 2.0 for
268, 292, 334, 335
“Take Your Own Path” and, 55, 312 HR,” 252
PGiConnect and, 85 reputation, 35
92, 176, 178, 206, 208, 268, reputation system and, 35, 320 Reputation Engine, 238
326 Twitter and, 300, 319 reputation management systems, 33,
passports, 61 profiles (social profiles), 82–86. See
Patil, DJ, 304 34–36, 68, 275
pay it forward, 46, 48 also identity content creation and, 18
Pearson, Bob, 14, 251 as connector, 83–85 curation and, 34–36, 331–333
Penn State’s “Outreach” program, identity and, 82–84 defined, 35
77, 331 PGi and, 84–85, 206 importance of, 35–36
Pepsico, 59 social graph and, 85–86 point-based, 68
“The Juice” campaign, 59, 61, PROFS (IBM), 76 profile completion and, 35, 320
231, 278, 282 Progressive Insurance, 6, 76, 181, 184 status community and, 292
Refresh project, 176, 177, 268, purchase funnel, 4–11, 110, 126, values-based communities and,
292, 334, 335
Trop50 and, 59, 263, 282 160, 177, 180, 189, 190, 204, 293
personally identifiable information, 211–212, 254. See also Social research communities, 221–222
Feedback Cycle responding
purpose-built applications, 94–96
customer service and response
300 systems and, 236
pets (as social objects), 265–266
Q to engaged customers, 214–218
listen intently, respond
PGi (Premiere Global), 84–85, 206 quilting, 258, 267
intelligently, 166–173
PGiConnect, 84, 85, 91, 206, 275 QVC, 158