Page 402 - Social Media Marketing
P. 402
“Diary of a Shameless Self- Social CRM and, 39 friends and, 324
Promoter,” 340 Social Web and, 11–21 Gold’s Gym and, 94, 223
Digg, 144, 327 “think like a fish” approach and, identity and, 319
“digital divide” issue, 77 204–206 KickApps and, 309
“Digital Nomads,” 55, 178, 199, 206, traditional media and, 11, 15, 21 Like button, 308, 326, 327, 331
223, 283 transparency and, 207, 208 McKinsey’s Facebook page, 291
“digital word-of-mouth,” 5 trust and, 210–211 Minggl and, 308
discoverability, 275, 283–284, 285 “Engagement Ad,” 21 netvizz and, 291, 312
discussion forums, 13, 54, 74, 224, “Engagement db 2009” (Altimeter Open Graph, 308, 310, 311, 312,
276, 280, 295 report), 225, 228 314
display ads, 259 engagement points, 206–207 Pandora and, 326
Disqus, 332 Engeström, Jyri, 257, 285 profile completion and, 319
DIY (do it yourself) Enterprise 2.0, 248–253 purpose-built applications and, 94
platforms, 207 applications/tools, 339, 340, 341, “reconnect” program and,
plug-in components, 332 342, 346, 347 299–300
D-list bloggers, 46 enterprise collaboration platforms Samsung and, 94
do it yourself. See DIY and, 253 social presence and, 86
Dodgeball, 195 internal collaboration and, SocialVibe and, 63, 103, 318,
donor programs, 7, 43, 44, 154, 189 248–253 320, 321
dots (connecting the dots), 156–158 “Relevance of Enterprise 2.0 for Step Change Group and, 94
“downstream,” 251 HR” and, 252 Super Wall and, 63
Drucker, Peter, 211 as social application, 346 Top Friends and, 103, 324–325
380 Drupal, 76, 91, 275, 332 Social CRM program and, Tweet in Klingon v., 95
index ■ DrupalCon, 305 250–253 weak ties and, 153
Dubai’s Emirates (Airline), 218 Socialtext and, 31, 75, 76, 78, 91, Webtrends for, 145, 155
Dyson, Esther, 9, 148, 175 135, 137, 171, 185, 235, 253, YouTube v., 32
Dyson bladeless fans, 123, 148 339, 340, 347 Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day
“Dyson sucks!”, 147, 148 “The Estuary Effect,” 252 (Treadaway and Smith, M.), 327
E Evans, Dale, 110, 120, 124 Faceconnector, 235, 238
Eventful, 16 Fannovation campaign (Coke),
earning authority, 35 existing social objects, 266–272. See
eBay, 226 98–102, 178, 206, 207, 209, 334
Echo, 332 also causes; lifestyles; passions fans (Dyson bladeless fans), 123, 148
Edelman Trust Barometer, 48, 50 exposure fans (NCAA fans), 99, 100, 102, 178,
EDS (now HP Enterprise Services),
interruption and, 259 208, 335
276 listening and, 172 Fast Company’s “Business Advice
Eighties Night (JetBlue’s T5), 218– ExpressionEngine, 275, 332
extending engagement, 221–227 from Van Halen,” 183
219, 220 extensions, social network, 325–328 fear, 10–11. See also negative
Electronic Frontier Foundation, 303 external social networks, 92
Element 14, 54, 55, 178, 303 external/internal participation, 69 comments/conversations
e-Marketer study, 145 feedback cycle. See Social Feedback
embedding, 43, 65, 131, 148, 275, F
318, 326, 328, 330, 331 Facebook FG SQUARED, 85
“Employee Storm” (Dell), 171, 243 activity feeds, 296, 310 findable social objects, 283–284
employees Aircel voicemail application and, fish
65, 66, 103, 271, 326, 331
as social business element, 62–64 API, 103, 298, 347 “fish where the fish are”
engaged customers, responding to, brand outposts and, 65, 66, 97 approach, 14, 178
BuddyMedia and, 94, 95
214–218 Budweiser and, 94 “think like a fish” approach,
engagement, 203–228 Business Pages, 65, 67, 68, 291 204–206
business presence on, 303
advocacy and, 211–214, 225–227 Coca-Cola organization and, Fisher Body, 213
collaboration and, 221–224 9, 98 flame wars, 33, 83
consumption and, 175–176 ContextOptional and, 94, 95 Flickr, 256
contest-driven, 324 customer service and response flight delays. See airline flight delays
as customer activity, 204–212 systems and, 236 flowers, 116, 117, 118, 342. See also
extending, 221–227 Dell and, 92
innovation and, 112, 235–237 display ads, 259 Freshbooks
need for, 4 Found Animals and, 265 1–, 342
points, 206–207 Friend2Friend and, 94, 322–323 followers, buying, 324
process, 15–21, 26 following (online social connection),
social applications and, 317–341
social business and, 20–21, 32, 33, 34, 37, 41
Folly Gallery, 323
212–220 Formaspace, 180–181, 182
Formula 1, 256
Forrester Research report, 337
Fortune 500 company, 229