Page 403 - Social Media Marketing
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forums. See also support forums Google “Hunger All-Stars” program (Tyson 381
discussion, 13, 54, 74, 224, 276, Engeström and, 257 Foods), 270, 271, 272
280, 295 OpenSocial and, 237, 310, 315 ■ ╇ I ndex
as social business element, 63, 64 social graph API, 42, 298 Hungerbuehler, Marcel, 119, 120
T-Mobile and, 223
Found Animals, 263, 265–266 I
Foursquare, 67, 73, 174, 195–197, Google Alerts, 114, 168, 238, 239
Google Analytics, 144, 154, 155, 158, I Love You More Than My Dog
198, 320, 321, 347. See also (Bliss), 321
Twitter 160. See also Web analytics
Freescale, 9, 65, 329 Google Docs, 223, 328, 330 IBM
Freestyle vending machines (Coca Gordon, Josh, 321 IdeaJam, 236, 238
Cola), 9 GotVoice, 340 PROFS, 76
frequency of posts (influencer Gowalla, 196, 305, 306. See also social computing policies, 34, 69,
analytics), 149 76, 105, 189
Freshbooks, 116–117, 118, 119, 172 Foursquare WebSphere, 124
Friend2Friend, 94, 322–323 GPS, 195, 196, 198
friending, 15, 31–32, 102 Grasshopper, 48–49, 146 idea city, GSD&M, 56, 58, 117, 283
friends “Great Driving Challenge,” 100 IdeaJam (IBM), 236, 238
Facebook and, 324 Greenberg, Paul, 39, 50, 231 “Ideas” platform (,
“friend finding,” 302 Griffin, Kathy, 46
“friend suggestions,” 299 Groupon, 340 70, 177, 207
Slide’s Top Friends, 103, 324–325 growing social graph, 297 IdeaStorm (Dell), 91, 92, 193, 321,
“suggested friends,” 297, 300, GSD&M idea city, 56, 58, 117, 283
guitars (“United Breaks Guitars” 340
309 ideation, 335–338, 346
“3D friends,” 261 video), 39 ideation tools, 75, 207
Twitter and, 324
Friendster, 309 H Dell, 75
future-oriented process “Ideas” platform (,
“Hans and Franz,” 194
(collaboration), 39 Happe, Rachel, 34 70, 177, 207
Harley-Davidson, 206, 309 “My Starbucks Idea,” 25, 26, 96,
G HARO (Help a Reporter Out),
176, 193, 206, 252, 253, 337
G1 Mobile, 90, 223 194–195 Posterous blogging platform, 99,
game-based sharing, 191, 195–197. health care example, 72–74
health-care presentation (Slideshare), 178, 206, 207, 291
See also Foursquare identification
gaming. See also Foursquare 330
“Hear me now, believe me later,” 194 of influencers, 9, 25, 41, 50, 91,
gaming-like point system, 67 heartbeat, 131. See also Sysomos 150–151, 168, 169–171,
as lifestyle-based social object, 242, 346
267 Help a Reporter Out. See HARO of social objects, 263–264,
Gartner, 342 “hidden experts,” 132 266–272
Gatorade social media mission high centrality, 307
high talk-value touchpoints, 118 identity. See also profiles
control, 114 “higher calling,” 56–59, 64, 104, corporate blogs and, 84, 16, 26 Facebook and, 319
Gaurida Azul, 91 176, 178 Lasica and, 83, 318–319
“Gautam Ghosh Talent Hill, Tom, 194 “one identity, multiple
Hindustan Times, 209, 210, 236 communities,” 310
Communities,” 286 holistic, social business as, 9–10 social applications and, 318–320
General Motors, 213 Homeaway, 6 social profiles and, 82–84
Gephi, 178, 206, 207, 291, 304, 307 homophily, 291–292, 293, 313, 314 Twitter and, 319
Germany’s Tchibo, 236, 335 hope, Social CRM program and,
GetSatisfaction, 207, 236, 338, 347 ignoring change, 185–189
Ghosh, Gautam, 246, 286 239–240 Inc. Magazine, 48
Gigya, 240 horse-drawn carriages, 213 India’s Café Coffee Day, 186–187,
Gilbertson, Scott, 13 hospital tweet, 73
Gilbreath, Aimee, 265 hospital/health care example, 72–74 188, 225, 236
Gilliat, Nathan, 131 HP, 91, 104, 276 Indium, 178
Gist, 238 HP Enterprise Services (formally influence (customer influence)
global applications, of Social CRM,
EDS), 276 measurement of, 312–313
347 HSBC, 178 new role of, 37–40
Global Content Study (Accenture), 47 Hsieh, Tony, 244 influencer analytics, 149, 312
“gluttonous social behavior,” 197 Hsu, Michael, 293–295 influencer dashboards, 41, 42, 150
Godrej, Adi, 344 Hub Network, 127 influencer relations, 47–49
GoJiyo, 344 “The Hub,” 277, 278 influencers. See also BuzzStream;
Gold’s Gym, 94, 223 Huffington Post, 19
The Good Guide, 89, 90, 140, 341 Rapleaf
identification of, 9, 25, 41, 50,
91, 150–151, 168, 169–171,
242, 346
spot influencers, 306–307
Informatica, 238