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B-list bloggers, 46                         EDS (now HP Enterprise Services)     negative conversations and,

         blogger outreach programs, 46–47,           and, 276                             186–187

         61, 153                                     Element 14 and, 54, 55, 178, 303     status quo and, 185–186

         blogging                                    Evans, M., and, 329                  change agents, 53, 71–77, 186

         A-list bloggers, 46, 170                    Formaspace and, 180–181, 182         chief marketing officers. See CMOs

         B/C/D list bloggers, 46                     Grasshopper and, 48–49, 146          Cisco, 340

         collaboration and, 19                       pre-sales funnel and, 160            CitySearch, 16

         corporate blogs/identity and, 84            Social Feedback Cycle and, 5         Cleveland/Milwaukee choice

         niche bloggers, 49, 170                     Social Media Today and, 321, 322     (airports), 208–209

         Occam’s Razor, 156, 163                     social objects and, 274              C-list bloggers, 46

         Posterous blogging platform, 99,            Soho Publishing and, 44–45           cloud computing, 83

                   178, 206, 207, 291                “Take Your Own Path” (Dell)          Cloud Connectors, Appirio, 238

         PR Measurement Blog, 179                    and, 55, 92, 176, 178, 206, Cluetrain Manifesto, 45

         BlogHer, 59, 61, 176, 231, 292              208, 268, 326                        CMOs (chief marketing officers), 72,

         Boeing, 114                              BusinessWeek, 48, 97, 98                145, 146, 183, 291, 321

         Boingo, 172                              buying followers, 324                   Coca-Cola organization

         Borland, 249                             Buzzmetrics, 124, 168, 235, 238         Facebook and, 9, 98

         bounce rate (Web analytics), 154,        BuzzStream, 41–42, 46, 47, 49, 70,      Fannovation campaign, 98–102,

         156, 158, 311                               96, 124, 127, 128, 129, 146–         178, 206, 207, 209, 334

         Bowles, Jerry, 322                          147, 149, 150, 151, 152, 170,        Freestyle vending machines, 9

         Brady, Diane, 98                            235, 238, 242, 250, 312              NCAA fans and, 99, 100, 102,

         brand ambassadors, 36, 119, 176, 345        applied knowledge transfer and,      178, 208, 335

378 brand compliments, 128                           70                                   Pinakatt and, 98

index ■  brand outposts, 65–66, 143, 180,            Grasshopper and, 49                  collaboration. See also internal

         221, 250, 285, 320, 327                     influencer dashboards, 41, 42, 150   collaboration

         communities and, 96–102                     social graph and, 41–42              Ant’s Eye View and, 173–174

         social business ecosystem and,              tools, 46, 47                        blogging and, 19

                    96–102                        C                                       business and, 177–188
         brand touchpoints, 234                                                           Customer Collaboration Cycle, 72

         Branded! (Shafer and Brennan), 342       Caddell, Bud, 68                            defined, 19–20, 26
         branded business channels, 328           Café Coffee Day, 186–187, 188, 225,         engagement and, 221–224
         branded microsites, 9, 102, 178                                                      enterprise collaboration platforms
         Bratton, Susan, 197                             236
         Brennan, Bernie, 342                     campaigns, communities v., 102                     and, 253
         Brightkite, 195                          Cantor, Marc, 237                           as future-oriented process, 39
         Broadband Mechanics, 91                  capital, social, 44, 151–152, 338           listening/collaboration/
         Bryant, Jay, 34                          Carey, Robin, 322
         BuddyMedia, 94, 95                       cases                                              measurement, 166, 198
         Budweiser Facebook tab, 94                                                           measurement and, 67
         building blocks (social business). See       Formaspace, 180–181, 182                as must-do activity, 173–178
                                                      Grasshopper, 48–49, 146                 nonprofits and, 224
                engagement; social applications;      Social CRM use cases, 239               within organizations, 134–135
                Social CRM; social graph              SoHo Publishing, 44–45                  relationships and, 296
         “Bullseye Gives,” 94                         Women’s Fund of Miami-Dade              social business and, 110
         bullying, 33, 35                                                                     Social CRM and, 112
         Burrp, 16                                           County, 43–44                    as Social CRM element, 235
         bus schedule example, 13                 categories/descriptions/titles/tags         social technology and, 15
         Bush, Vannevar, 195                                                                  tools for, 75
         business. See social business                   (metadata), 275, 284                 workplace, 339–341
         “Business Advice from Van Halen,”        causation, 157–158, 179                 collaborative design, 191–193. See
                183                               causes (social causes)
         business analytics, 158–162, 163,                                                       also customer-driven design
                180–184, 241, 274                     Bengal Tigers/Aircel and, 271, 272  Combining Operating Ratio (COR),
         business decisions, social technology        Found Animals and, 263,
                and, 109–127                                                                     184
         business design, Social CRM and,                    265–266                      Comcast, 9, 226–227, 236, 257,
                230–238                               Habitat for Humanity and, 270
         business objectives, social technology       “higher calling” and, 56–59, 64,           320–321, 345
                and, 343–344, 347                                                         “The Coming Change in Social
         Business Pages (Facebook), 65, 67,                  104, 176, 178
                68, 291                               as social objects, 268–272                 Media Business Applications:
         business-to-business (B2B)                   Susan G. Komen Foundation and,             Separating the Biz from the
                                                                                                 Buzz,” 321
                                                             270                          commerce analytics, 161
                                                      Tyson Foods “Hunger All-Stars”      commerce optimization, 124
                                                                                          Communispace, 222
                                                             program and, 270, 271, 272   communities (online communities).
                                                  centrality, 306, 307
                                                  change (avoidance of change),                  See also specific communities

                                                      listening v., 188–189
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