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A                                             JFK, 218                              audience definition, 343–344             377
                                              Newark, 172                           Austin, Texas
AARP’s online community, 58, 256          Alaskan Airlines, 12, 217                                                          ■ ╇ I ndex
Abbot, Susan, 129, 130                    Alaskan salmon, 258                           Dachis Group, 91, 161, 163, 197,
Abbot Research and Consulting, 129,       A-list bloggers, 46, 170                             334
                                          all about me...and us, 174–175
       130                                Alterian’s SM2 platform, 46, 124,             Dachis Group in, 91
Accenture’s 2010 Global Content                                                         FG SQUARED in, 85
                                                 127, 128, 129, 149, 168, 184,          Formaspace in, 180–181, 182
       Study, 47                                 235, 238, 242                          GSD&M in, 56, 58, 117, 283
action sports, 263, 264, 267, 268,        Altimeter “Engagement db 2009”                Homeaway in, 6
                                                 report, 225, 228                       Social Web Strategies in, 45, 279
       284                                Altimeter response matrix, 12, 25,            Twellow and, 290, 291, 296
active listening, 23, 110, 111, 112,             186, 345                           authority, earning, 35
                                          Altimeter’s social computing policies,    automated listening tools, 148
       113, 115, 116–117, 124,                   247, 254                           automated sentiment, 148
       129–130, 131, 135, 147, 167,       Amazon, 232                               awareness, 321, 322, 326, 328
       168, 187, 188, 217, 219. See also  AMD, 340
       listening                          American Airlines, 12, 218                B
activity feeds, 296, 310                  American Baby, 224
adjacency, 306, 307                       American Cancer Society, 91               B2B. See business-to-business
Ad:Tech, 305                              American Express, 45, 178, 267, 303       baggage delivery standards, 121–122.
advocacy                                  American Express “Open Forum,”
    benefits of, 21–22                           267, 303                                  See also Bengaluru International
    engagement and, 211–214,              analytics. See also social media                 Airport
                                                 analytics; Web analytics           Bain Consulting, 180
           225–227                            business analytics, 158–162, 163,     Bank of America, 114
advocate Mom, 140, 190                                                              Barrett, Andrew, 265, 266
AIIM (Association for Information                    180–184, 241, 274              baseball, 256
                                              commerce analytics, 161               Basecamp, 76, 243
       and Image Management), 339         Android-based G1 phone, 90, 223           baselines, 167–169, 184
Aircel, 65                                anonymity, 8, 82, 83, 319, 336, 337       BatchBlue, 240
                                          Ant’s Eye View, 14, 34, 39, 173–174       BatchBook, 240
    Bengal Tigers and, 271, 272           AOCC (Airport Operation Command           Bazaarvoice, 12, 124, 145–146, 160,
    voicemail application, 65, 66, 103,                                                    226, 332
                                                 Centre), 122             , 26, 197
           271, 326, 331                  APIs (application programming             Bengal Tigers, 271, 272
aircraft carrier tour, 10–11                                                        Bengaluru International Airport, 1,
airline flight delays, 214–220                   interfaces), 298. See also social         118, 119–123, 136
                                                 graph APIs                         Best Buy, 36, 342
    3-hour rule, 214, 215, 216, 217,      Appirio Cloud Connectors, 238             best practices
           219                            Apple                                         moderation, 34
                                              iPhones, 89, 140, 223                     for social business, 191–197
airlines                                      iPods, 112                                social computing policies, 70
    Alaskan Airlines, 12, 217             application programming interfaces        Better Homes and Gardens, 224
    American, 12, 218                            (APIs), 298. See also social       Bhargava, Rohit, 116, 166. See also
    Boeing, 114                                  graph APIs                                active listening
    Continental Airlines, 1, 12, 39,      applied knowledge transfer, 69–71         Bill of Privacy Rights (Social Web),
           73, 118, 119, 172, 217         Armadillo Award, 186                             303
    Dubai’s Emirates, 218                 Arrington, Michael, 237                   “Bill of Rights” (Social Web), 237
    JetBlue, 218–219, 220                 Aspen Institute, 83                       “Bing-Thon,” 94
    Kingfisher Airlines, 73, 218, 336     Assheton-Smith, Glenn, 256, 273           birds of a feather flock together, 293.
    ratings/reviews and, 12               Association for Information and                  See also homophily
    Southwest Airlines, 12, 56, 94,              Image Management (AIIM), 339       Black Belt program (Intel), 35, 36
           186, 217                       Atari’s Tweet in Klingon, 94–95, 105      bladeless fans, 123, 148
    United Airlines, 39                   AT&T, 213                                 Bliss, Jeanne, 321
                                          attention holders, 284
Airport Operation Command Centre
       (AOCC), 122

    Bengaluru International Airport,
           1, 118, 119–123, 136
    Cleveland/Milwaukee choice and,
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