Page 401 - Social Media Marketing
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brand outposts and, 96–102 cost avoidance, 141, 146, 242, 339, influence path, 40 379
campaigns v., 102 344 new customer influence path, 40
measurement and, 71 new role of, 29–51 ■ ╇ I ndex
“one identity, multiple Cotrell, Joe, 34 outputs, 7–8
CoTweet, 238, 242 as social business element, 62–64
communities,” 310 crawlers, 42, 47, 151, 170 “Your customer has the answer,”
research, 221–222 creation. See content creation
as social applications, 346 cricket, 100, 256 104
social business ecosystem and, CRM (customer relationship cyberbullying, 33, 35
cycles. See also purchase funnel
96–102 management), 36–40, 112,
as social business element, 63, 64 230–231, 235, 237, 254. See Customer Collaboration Cycle, 72
social objects and, 264 also Social CRM product innovation cycle,
as social platforms, 104 CRM Connect, 238
“stickiness” and, 59, 296, 297, CRM Essentials LLC, 232 111–113, 136, 252
cross-network participation, 310 Social Feedback Cycle, 4–11, 21,
325 cross-posts, 144
community moderation, 34 Crowd Factory, 133 26, 36, 190
Community Report, 34 crowdsourcing, 191, 193–194, 322, Cymfony, 124, 168, 238
Community Roundtable, 34 333–335, 338 Cynapse, 243
“Company-Customer Pact,” 236 Crowdspring, 193–194, 91
competitive advantage, 10, 21, 37, 74, Cryptic Studio’s Star Trek video
game, 94 D
75, 212, 214, 337 CSI (Consortium for Service
components (Social CRM), 238 Innovation), 75 Dachis Group, 91, 161, 163, 197, 334
connected customer, 10–11 Cunningham, Tasha, 43 Dachis Group’s Social Software Wiki,
connecting The Cunningham Group, 43–44
curation 334
as Social CRM element, 235 content creation and, 18, 101 Daily Show, 258
social graph and, 297–303 defined, 17 Dash, Raj, 143
Twitter and, 301 engagement and, 175–176 data visualization, social graph and,
connecting the dots, 156–158 friending and, 32
connector, profile as, 83–85 reputation systems and, 34–36, 289
Consortium for Service Innovation decision-support elements (Social
(CSI), 75 custom social applications, 325–326 CRM), 123–136
Consumer Business Unit (Philips), 245 Customer Collaboration Cycle, 72 Delicious, 66
consumer-generated product reviews, customer point of view (POV), delight (customer delight), 22, 117,
90 125–126 118, 183, 244
consumption (content consumption), customer relationship management. “delight” oriented KPIs, 73
delivery experience, Social CRM
15, 16–17, 26, 32, 86, 87, 174, See CRM; Social CRM
175, 212, 259, 323, 331 program and, 243–245
content creation, 18, 101. See also Customer Service: New Rules for Dell
content publishing, sharing and, a Socially-Enabled World “Digital Nomads” program, 55,
328–331 (Shankman), 195 178, 199, 206, 223, 283
content sharing, 93, 94, 167, 179, customer service and response
298, 320, 325, 330, 331 systems, 236 “Employee Storm” and, 171, 243
content spreading (social graph), customer support. See also support IdeaStorm, 91, 92, 193, 321, 340
307–309 forums ideation tools, 75
contest-driven engagement, 324 channel, Twitter and, 9 Johnston at, 69
ContextOptional, 94, 95 GetSatisfaction and, 207, 236, Lithium Technologies and, 36,
Continental Airlines, 1, 12, 39, 73,
118, 119, 172, 217 338, 347 91, 124, 132, 149, 171, 206,
conversations. See also listening; self-directed, 207, 223 238, 239, 253, 312, 347
negative comments/ Social CRM and, 131–135 Small Business group, 320
conversations customer touchpoints, 124 social business framework at, 14
conversational baselines, 167–169 customer-driven design Social Software Adoption effort,
listening and, 113–115 as best practice, 191 69
social objects and, 282–283 IdeaStorm and, 91, 92, 193, 321, support forums and, 132, 210,
traditional media and, 119 338
The Conversation Group, 249 340 “Take Your Own Path,” 55, 92,
conversions, 133, 141, 144, 156, 158 Threadless and, 191–193 176, 178, 206, 208, 268, 326
cooking, 267 customers. See also participation “Dell Hell,” 14, 39
COR (Combining Operating Ratio), assistance from, 7–8, 25 Demand Media, 224
184 connected, 10–11 Deming, W. Edwards, 251
corporate blogs, identity and, 84 delight of, 22, 117, 118, 183, 244 Department of Fannovation (Coke),
correlation, 157–158, 179 engagement and, 204–212 98–102, 178, 206, 207, 209, 334
influence of, 37–40 descriptions/categories/titles/tags
(metadata), 275, 284
DeskAway, 76
determined detractors, 12
Developer’s program (Intel), 35, 36