Page 404 - Social Media Marketing
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information K Like button (Facebook), 308, 326,
382 open access to, 5–6 kart racing, 267 327, 331
in-house social learning, 171 Katz, Roger, 323 like-mindedness, 290–293
index ■ innovation Kaushal Sarda’s 2010 InterOp LinkedIn
Consortium for Service Mumbai presentation, 136 adjacency and, 307
Innovation, 75 Kaushik, Avinash, 156, 163 brand outposts and, 66
Kay, Jonathan, 48, 49 business presence on, 303
engagement and, 112, 235–237 key performance indicators. See KPIs business-to-business brands and,
product innovation cycle, 111– KickApps, 309
Kim, Peter, 26, 197. See also Dachis 178
113, 136, 252 Dell and, 92
INSNA (International Network for Group; Foursquare Gephi and, 304, 307
Kingfisher Airlines, 73, 218, 336 Minggl and, 308
Social Network Analysis), 314, Kingfisher Airlines survey card, 336 profile completion and, 71, 85,
315 KinkFM, 257
“Inspired by You,” 337 kite surfing, 267 298, 299, 324
intangible values, 141 Klingon (Tweet in Klingon), 94–95, social graph API and, 303, 304
integration, of listening, 129–131 social presence and, 86
Intel 105 2020 Social and, 303, 304
Black Belt program, 35, 36 Klout, 149, 306, 312, 313 weak ties and, 153
social computing policies, 76 knowledge assimilation, 50, 74, 75, Linux Ubuntu, 193
Intense Debate, 332 “Listen, Understand, Evolve.”, 347
interactive websites, 16. See also 76 listening
social sites knowledge exchange, 86, 96, 191, active listening v., 23, 110, 111,
internal collaboration
Enterprise 2.0 and, 248–253 194–195 112, 113, 115, 116–117, 124,
Jive Software and, 84, 85, 91, knowledge transfer, 69–71 129–130, 131, 135, 147, 167,
Kodak, 104 168, 187, 188, 217, 219
104, 124, 135, 171, 206, Kolsky, Esteban, 112, 123, 136 automated listening tools, 148
228, 243, 253, 325, 347 KPIs (key performance indicators) avoiding change v., 188–189
Lotus Notes and, 76, 77, 235, 253 baseline for, 167–169
Oracle and, 253 defined, 141 as best practice, 191
internal readiness, 344–345, 346 “delight” oriented, 73 conversations and, 113–115
internal social networking, 91 Social CRM program and, integration of, 129–131
internal/external participation, 69 listen intently, respond
International Network for Social 247–248 intelligently, 166–173
Network Analysis (INSNA), content
management, 91
314, 315 L listening/collaboration/
InterOp Mumbai presentation, 136 measurement, 166, 198
interruptions, 4, 57, 258–260, 282, laptop fire example, 13 low exposure of, 172–173
283, 284 larger social objects, 58, 104, 256, as must-do activity, 166–173
negative comments/conversations
Intuit, 39, 329 257, 280, 284. See also passions
iPhones, 89, 140, 223 Lasica, J. D., 83, 318–319 and, 114, 167, 172, 186, 214,
iPod, 112 Latitude, 195 219, 232
Iskold, Alex, 289 laundry soap community, 87, 88 objective of, 166
“It’s Not What You Sell, It’s What Layar, 347 as social application, 346
layers, of social business, 249 as Social CRM element, 235
You Stand For,” 56 “Learning Center” (HP), 91 Lithium Technologies, 36, 91, 124,
iVillage, 104 Learning Community, Radio Shack, 132, 149, 171, 206, 238, 239,
253, 312, 347
J 91 location tracking, 195, 196, 198
Leary, Brent, 232 Looppa, 18, 91, 310
Jarvis, Jeff, 14, 97, 98, 132, 176, 227 Lebkowsky, Jon, 45, 279, 18
JCPenney, 342 legal team, 25, 224, 241, 246–247 Loopt, 195
Jedrzejewsk, Michael, 98 LEGO, 68, 148, 337, 339 “Lost” episode, 258
JetBlue’s T5, 218–219, 220 LEGO Mindstorms, 337, 339 Lotus Connections, 171, 235, 253,
JFK Airport, 218 Leistner, Frank, 70, 274. See also SAS 340, 347
Jhoos spam, 302 Lotus Notes, 76, 77, 235, 253
Jira, 132 Institute low exposure, listening and, 172–173
Jive Software, 84, 85, 91, 104, 124, lifestyles, 266–267, 64
135, 171, 206, 228, 243, 253, action sports and, 267 M
325, 347 American Express “Open Forum”
Johnston, Bill, 69 Made by Many, 334
Jones, C. Anthony, 330 and, 267, 303 Magazine Soho, 44
Joomla, 91, 332 “higher calling” and, 56–59, 64, malleable social networks, 305–306
Js-Kit, 332
“The Juice” campaign, 59, 61, 231, 104, 176, 178
as social objects, 266–267
lifetime/transit time, 158
278, 282 Maoz, Michael, 342