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response strategy, to negative          defined, 142                             challenge of, 119                   385
           comments, 12, 92–93, 167,        polarity and, 14, 142                    collaboration and, 177–178
           180, 186–188, 214, 231, 232  sentiment analysis, 146–148                  creating, 110–113                   ■ ╇ I ndex
                                        SEO (search engine optimization),            defined, 31
    as Social CRM element, 235                                                       definition of, 4, 13, 54
response matrix (USAF/Altimeter),              283–284                               difficulty of, 93
                                        Sernovitz, Andy, 10, 251                     elements of, 62–64
       12, 25, 186, 345                 Shafer, Lori, 342                            engagement process and, 20–21,
return on effort, 119. See also         Shah, Rawn, 69
                                        Shankman, Peter, 194, 195                           212–220
       Freshbooks                       shared workplace communication               fundamentals, 53–79
return on investment. See ROI                                                        as holistic, 9–10
retweet capability (RT), 296–297,              tools, 76–77                          layers of, 249
                                        SharePoint (Microsoft), 76, 91, 171,         measurement and, 66–71, 78
       305, 307, 308                                                                 overview/description, 54–66
reversed message flow, 10, 166                 235, 243, 253, 340, 347               participation and, 54–56, 64–65
reviews. See ratings/reviews            sharing. See also Foursquare                 purpose of, 211
RightNow, 238                                                                        social graph in, 297–311
Ripple6, 153                                content publishing and, 328–331          “social” in, 10
Roam, Dan, 330                              content sharing and, 93, 94, 167,        social media marketing v., 10, 36,
Roberts, Brian, 227
ROI (return on investment)                         179, 298, 320, 325, 330, 331             38, 74
                                            game-based, 191, 195–197                 social networks and, 303–304
    cost avoidance and, 141, 146,           as social application, 346               social objects in, 281–284
           242, 339, 344                    social networks and, 293                 social technology and, 6–7, 14
                                        Shelton, Ted, 249                            Social Web and, 93
    role of, 140, 141                   short posts, 148, 256, 284, 318          social business ecosystem, 81–106
Roncaglio, Marco, 245                   sifting, 236                                 brand outposts and, 96–102
root cause (negative issues), 74, 118,  silos, 23, 110, 156, 243, 252, 342           communities and, 96–102
                                        skiing, 267                                  defined, 92
       244, 245. See also touchpoint    Slide’s Top Friends, 103, 324–325            diagram of, 102–104
       analysis                         Slideshare, 66, 136, 239, 286, 328,      social business framework (Dell), 14
Royal Challengers Bangladore, 100                                                “Social Business Software Adoption
RSS, 338                                       330, 331, 347
RT. See retweet capability              Slideshare’s World’s Best Presentation          Strategies,” 228
Rushing, Haley, 56                                                               social capital, 44, 151–152, 338
                                               of 2009 contest, 330              social causes. See causes
S                                       SM2 platform (Alterian), 46, 124,        social channels, 33, 44, 74, 95, 111,

SaaS (Software as a Service), 91, 133,         127, 128, 129, 149, 168, 184,            141, 145, 155, 178, 179, 180,
       325, 328, 332                           235, 238, 242                            187, 236, 241, 268, 270, 345
                                        Small Business Administration, 193       social computing policies, 246–247, 25, 70, 91, 129, 171,   Small Business group (Dell), 320             Altimeter and, 247, 254
       193, 206, 207, 235, 238, 239     Small World Labs, 91                         best practices, 70
                                        Smarr, Joseph, 237                           brand outposts and, 97
Samsung Facebook tab, 94                Smith, Brad, 329                             defined, 33
SAP, 226                                Smith, Mari, 327                             developing, 331
Sarbanes-Oxley, 344                     “social” (term), 10, 30                      examples, 247
Sarda, Kaushal, 111, 136                social activity, 71                          IBM, 34, 69, 76, 105, 189
SAS Institute, 70, 124, 235, 238, 248,  social applications, 317–348                 Intel, 76
                                            awareness and, 321, 322, 326, 328        legal team and, 25, 224, 241,
       254, 274, 280, 347                   categorizing, 321
Saturday Night Live’s “Hans and             classes of, 346                                 246–247
                                            custom, 325–326                          Philips’ Consumer Business Unit
       Franz,” 194                          defined, 318–320
“scared” tweet, 73                          engagement and, 317–341                         and, 245
Scoble, Robert, 86, 237, 305, 333           as fundamental term, 288                 “real world” aspect of, 261
ScoutLabs, 46, 124, 149, 168, 239, 242      ideation and, 335–337                social connection points, 176
Scribd, 328, 330, 331                       identity and, 318–320                Social CRM (social customer
Scrupski, Susan, 341                        planning, 341–346
“Sea World” spots, 117                      in social business ecosystem,               relationship management),
search attractors, 284                                                                  229–254
search engine optimization (SEO),                  86–96                             blogger outreach and, 46–47, 61,
                                            as social business element, 63, 64
       283–284                              social ecosystem and, 103                       153
Searls, Doc, 45                             social networks and, 103                 business design and, 230–238
Second Life Islands, 97                 social business. See also engagement;        collaboration and, 112
Sedereviciute, Kristina, 291                                                         components of, 238
self-directed customer support, 207,           social applications; Social CRM;      CRM v., 36–40, 112, 230–231,
                                               social graph
       223                                  basics of, 3–26                                 235, 237, 254
Selling 2.0, 321                            best practices in, 191–197
Selvas, Filberto, 133
Send-To-Friend, 60, 144

    automated, 148
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