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customer support and, 131–135     Rapleaf and, 235, 238, 242,               defined, 288

         decision-support elements of,     293–294                                   extensions, 325–328

         123–136                           relationships and, 295–296                external, 92

         defined, 38–39, 49–50, 123        simple, 288, 289                          graph of, 289

         Deming and, 251                   social ecosystem and, 102, 103            internal, 91

         elements of, 235                  social graph applications,                like-mindedness and, 290–293

         Esteban and, 112, 123, 136        324–325                                   malleable, 305–306

         global applications of, 347       social network v., 31, 102, 287,          mapping, 304

         Greenberg and, 39, 50, 231        288, 314                                  relationships and, 296

         The New Know and, 237             source and, 127–128                       SaaS and, 91, 133, 325, 328, 332

         NPS and, 12, 119, 126, 168,       tools for powering, 295–297               sharing and, 293

         180–184, 189, 212                 Twitter and, 293                          social applications and, 103

         Social Web “Bill of Rights” and,  universal social graph and,               social graph v., 31, 102, 287, 288,

         237                               309–310                                   314

         SoHo Publishing and, 44–45        social graph APIs, 298, 303, 304          spam and, 33, 302

         use cases, 239                    Facebook API, 103, 298, 347               universal social graph and,

         Women’s Fund of Miami-Dade        Google API, 42, 298                       309–310

         County and, 43–44                 LinkedIn and, 303, 304                    social objects, 255–286. See also

         “Social CRM Comes of Age”         social influence (influencer analytics),  causes; lifestyles; passions

         (Greenberg), 39, 50               149, 150                                  Assheton-Smith on, 256, 273

         Social CRM components, 238        social learning, 171                      attraction of, 260–261

         Social CRM program                social media                              building on, 261–266

386 building, 238–248                      as “digital word-of-mouth,” 5             in business, 281–284

index ■  defining, 250–253                 interruptions and, 4, 57, 258–260,        causes as, 268–272

         delivery experience and, 243–245  282, 283, 284                             community and, 264

         Enterprise 2.0 and, 250–253       marketing and, 189–191, 198               conversation and, 282–283

         guide/use cases for, 239          measuring, 179–184                        creating, 272–281

         hope and, 239–240                 SEO and, 283–284                          defining, 256–261, 284–285

         KPIs and, 247–248                 traditional media v., 141–142,            Engeström and, 257, 285

         measurements and, 247–248         235, 237                                  findable, 283–284

         objectives of, 242–243            social media analytics, 8, 140–148.       as fundamental term, 288

         organizational culture and, 243   See also measurement; Web                 identification of, 263–264,

         plan creation and, 240–247        analytics                                 266–272

         Social CRM components and, 238    business analytics with, 180–184          interruptions and, 4, 57, 258–260,

         team for, 245–246                 BuzzStream and, 41                        282, 283, 284

         Social Feedback Cycle, 4–11, 21,  customer POV and, 125–126                 larger, 58, 104, 256, 257, 280, 284

         26, 36, 190. See also purchase    customer-provided information             lifestyles as, 266–267

         funnel                            and, 8                                    passions as, 268

         social graph, 287–315             Gatorade social media mission             pets as, 265–266

         Bill of Privacy Rights and, 303   control and, 114                          presence around, 262, 264

         in business, 297–311              KPIs and, 115                             short posts as, 148, 256, 284, 318

         BuzzStream and, 41–42, 46, 47,    primary, 144                              sports and, 256, 267

         49, 70, 96, 124, 127, 128,        social business and, 109                  Twitter and, 256–257

         129, 146–147, 149, 150, 151,      Social CRM and, 123                       social platforms. See also

         152, 170, 235, 238, 242,          trend charts, 143                         communities; support forums

         250, 312                          Twitter and, 25                           social ecosystem and, 104

         chart of, 289                     Social Media Business Council, 14,        white-label, 85, 90, 91–92, 207,

         connecting and, 297–303           251                                       309, 328

         content spreading and, 307–309    social media marketing                    social presence. See presence

         data visualization and, 289       measurement program and, 145              social profiles. See profiles

         defined, 30, 31, 127, 288         mistakes and, 97, 98                      social sites

         as fundamental term, 288          social business v., 10, 38, 74            interactive sites v., 16

         growing, 297                      Social Media Marketing: An Hour a social software. See also support

         KickApps and, 309                 Day (Evans), 110, 124                     forums

         managing, 308                     Social Media Today, 321, 322              Dachis Group and, 91

         mapping, 126–128                  “Social Networking for Business”          examples of, 91

         measuring, 294–295, 300,          (Shah), 69                                wiki-based listing, 91, 334

         311–314                           social networks, 288. See also social Social Software Adoption effort, 69

         Minggl and, 308                   graph                                     Social Software Wiki (Dachis Group),

         primer for, 289                   Bill of Privacy Rights and, 303           334

         profiles and, 85–86               business in, 303–304                      Social Source Commons, 75

                                           buying followers for, 324                 Social Target, 131
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