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               Publisher’s acknowledgements / xii                                ix
               Authors’ acknowledgements / xiii
               Introduction / xv

chapter 1 the importance of developing strong ideas / 1

               • James Dyson – using the idea development process to clean
                  up / 2

               • demystifying the idea development process / 5
               • slaying the myth that entrepreneurs are born, not

                  made / 9
               • the four steps in the idea development process / 12
               • and another thing: benefits of the idea development

                  process / 18
               • call in the cavalry or do it yourself? / 25
               • Sir Clive Sinclair and the C5 – the perils of a flawed process

                  of idea development / 26

chapter 2 applying creativity to the idea development
             process / 29

               • Phil Knight and Nike – combining logic and intuition into
                  record-breaking success / 30

               • why is creativity a must? / 33
               • reconnect with your creativity / 37
               • creativity and the idea development process / 41
               • mastering whole-brain thinking / 43
               • Ingvar Kamprad – using logic and intuition to break the

                  mould with IKEA / 52
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