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            chapter 3 step one – seeking and shaping opportunities / 57

                              • – shaping the internet opportunity / 58
                              • don’t rush to headlong action / 61
                              • give yourself time to develop alternatives / 62
                              • treat your first business idea as purely tentative / 66
                              • total immersion in the market / 68
                              • fact-finding / 70
                              • tools for seeking and shaping opportunities / 72
                              • moving to step two – acknowledging catch-22 / 97
                              • Iridium – the imperfect solution to an opportunity which

                                 never existed? / 99

            chapter 4 step two – generating new ideas / 103

                              • Howard Head – an analogical approach to business success /


                              • Eureka? / 107
                              • the mind gym: six mental workouts and their related

                                 routines / 110
                              • ground-rules for productive mental workouts / 111
                              • mental workout one – checklists / 114
                              • mental workout two – stimulus materials / 119
                              • mental workout three – combinations / 122
                              • mental workout four – free association / 131
                              • mental workout five – analogical thinking / 136
                              • mental workout six – upside-down thinking / 147
                              • moving to step three / 151
                              • Thomas Alva Edison – idea generator par excellence / 152

            chapter 5 step three – evaluating and selecting ideas / 159

                              • Karan Bilimoria – brewing the criteria to achieve the ‘big
                                 one’ / 160

                              • evaluation allows development, not just selection / 162
                              • two-phase screening process / 164
                              • evaluation frameworks for screening ideas / 166
                              • criteria to use within the frameworks / 176
                              • business-focused criteria / 177
                              • person-focused criteria / 185
                              • prototyping / 193
                              • Gary Mueller and Internet Securities, Inc. – selecting a

                                 venture to suit his needs / 198
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