Page 8 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 8


Foreword:	 On the Subject of Marketing Integrity,             ix
               by Michael E. Gerber	                          xii

Introduction:	 A Solution to THE Small Business Problem	

Part I: The Duct Tape Foundation—The Way to Sticky Marketing

         (Help Them Know, Like, and Trust You More!)

Chapter 1:	 Strategy Before Tactics	                        3
Chapter 2:	 Identify Your Ideal Client	                    11
Chapter 3:	 Discover Your Core Marketing Message	          24
Chapter 4:	 Wake Up the Senses with an Image
                to Match Your Message	
Chapter 5:	 Create Products and Services for Every Stage   55
                of Client Development	                     90
Chapter 6:	 Produce Marketing Content That Educates	      113
Chapter 7:	 A Web Presence That Works Day and Night	      124
Chapter 8:	 Get Found Online in Your Town	
Chapter 9:	 Get Your Entire Team Involved in Marketing	

Part II: The Duct Tape Lead Generation Machine—Turning Stickiness
               into a System That Works for You

(Turning Know, Like, and Trust into Try, Buy, Repeat, and Refer)

Chapter 10:	 Run Advertising That Gets Results	           137
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