Page 9 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 9

Duct Tape Marketing           159
Chapter 11:	 Direct Mail Is an Ideal Target Medium	          200
Chapter 12:	 Earned Media Attention and Expert Status	
Chapter 13:	 Ramp Up a Systematic Referral Machine	          230
Chapter 14:	 Turn Prospects into Clients and Clients into

                Partners with an Advanced Education System	

                    Part III: Getting on a Roll!             257

                (Find Out What Works and Do More of It)      275
Chapter 15:	 Commit to Your Marketing with a Plan,           278
                Budget, and Calendar	                        279

Appendix A:	 Duct Tape Marketing Small Business
                 Marketing Resources	

Appendix B:	Special Offers	
About the Author	

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