Page 618 - Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want -
P. 618

Lessons	Learned

Create	Alignment

The	Value	Proposition	and	Business	Model	Canvases	are	excellent	alignment
tools.	Use	them	as	a	shared	language	to	create	better	collaboration	across	the
different	parts	of	your	organization.	Help	every	stakeholder	understand	how
exactly	you	intend	to	create	value	for	your	customers	and	your	business.

Measure,	Monitor,	Improve

Track	the	performance	of	your	value	propositions	over	time	to	make	sure	you
continue	to	create	customer	value	while	market	conditions	change.	Use	the	same
tools	and	processes	to	improve	your	value	propositions,	which	you	used	to
design	them.

Reinvent	While	Successful

Don’t	wait	with	reinventing	your	value	propositions	and	business	models.	Do	so
before	before	market	conditions	force	you	to,	because	it	might	be	too	late.	Create
organizational	structures	that	allow	you	to	improve	existing	value	propositions
and	business	models	and	invent	new	ones	at	the	same	time.
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