Page 648 - Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want -
P. 648

Value	Proposition	Canvas
   characteristics	of	great	value	propositions,	72–73	(See	also	Design)	for
      Prototyping,	77,	84–85

Value	Proposition	Design
   book	organization	and	online	companion,	x
   Business	Model	Canvas,	defined,	xv	(See	also	Business	Model	Canvas)
      competitors	versus,	128–129
   Environment	Map	and,	v,	xv
   for	established	organizations,	xix
   to	overcome	problems,	vi–vii
   selling	colleagues	on,	xxiv–xxv
   skills	needed	for,	xxii–xxiii
   for	start-ups,	xviii
   successful	use	of,	viii,	xi
   tools	and	process	of,	xii–xiii	(See	also	Canvas;	Design;	Evolve;	Test)	uses	of,
   Value	Proposition	Canvas,	defined,	xiv,	xv	(See	also	Value	Proposition
      Canvas)	visualization,	138–139


   tracking	customers	on,	109
   Value	Proposition	Design	Online	Companion,	explained,	x

   landing	pages	of,	223,	228–229

WhatsApp,	157
workshops,	for	established	organizations,	166–167,	168–169
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