Page 10 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
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9 Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

          4. Submit your website
              Submit your website to search engines and Internet directories 73 . Submit your
              website to search engines, Internet directories and other submission sites after
              optimizing your web pages.

          5. Get good backlinks
              All major search engines heavily rely on links. If more than one web page has been
              optimized for a search term, the web page with the best backlinks will get the
              highest ranking.
              You can only get high rankings on Google if your website has both optimized web
              pages and good backlinks. For that reason, it is very important to get good
              backlinks 86 to your website.

          6. Check your results
              When you have done all of the above, you can use IBP's ranking checker to find out
              how search engines rank your website. Note that it is not important that your
              website has high rankings for all possible keywords. Your website must have high
              rankings for the right keywords that lead to sales.
              It is not important to get high rankings for a popular keyword if no visitor who
              finds your website through that keyword will buy something on your site. Search
              engine optimization is about getting more sales. For that reason, it is important
              that you focus on targeted skeywords that convert to sales.

          If you optimize your website by following the order above, you will get the best
          possible results for your website.

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