Page 12 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
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11 Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

4.1 Why do high search engine rankings increase your sales?

          High search engine rankings are the perfect way to get more website visitors, more
          customers and more sales. Recent statistics show that having high search engine
          rankings is the key to the success of your online business:

          1. Your customers are on the Internet and they have money
          More than 1 billion people use the Internet (Source: Nielsen/NetRatings). Web users
          spend twice as much time online as watching TV (Source: Stanford Institute for the
          Quantitative Study of Society). Consumers spend more than $143.2 billion online per
          These people have money, they want to buy and they could be your customers.

          2. Your customers use search engines
          Most Internet users find new websites through search engines and millions use
          search engines every day to find websites.
          IBP helps you to make sure that these people will find your website instead of other

          3. These people are interested in your goods and services
          Search engine users are some of the most qualified and motivated visitors to your
          website you will ever have. After all, they have taken the initiative to hunt for online
          resources on a certain topic. And then they clicked your link to learn more.
          IBP helps you to get your website in front of these potential customers. In other
          words, IBP helps you to make sure that your website is seen by people who want to
          buy your goods and services.

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