Page 7 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 7

Welcome to iBusinessPromoter (IBP)                                                                                                                  6

1 Welcome to iBusinessPromoter (IBP)

          iBusinessPromoter (IBP) is a proven website promotion tool that will help you to get
          high search engine rankings, more customers and more sales.

              IBP offers everything you need to get top 10 search engine rankings on major
              search engine such as Google and Bing/Yahoo. We regularly update IBP to
              make sure that it is fully compatible with Google's latest ranking algorithm.

          This manual helps you to work as efficiently as possible with IBP. If you want to get
          the best results as quickly as possible, we recommend that you read this manual
          before you start with IBP.

          Otherwise, you might waste your time with things that are not necessary for your
          website or you might do the right things in the wrong order.

Copyright © 2012 Axandra GmbH - All rights reserved. This work is copyright protected. Visit for more website promotion solutions.
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