Page 17 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 17

The basics                                                                                                                                          16

4.4 SAFE TIME: a single spam element can destroy everything

          Before you start with your search engine optimization efforts, you must make sure
          that your web pages are spam free. This is very important.

              If your web pages contain a spam element, all other search engine optimization
              efforts are pointless.

          If a search engine has tagged your website as a spam source then you have to remove
          the spam elements from your web pages before the search engine will take another
          look at other elements of your site.

          Google has become very aggressive when it comes to deleting spam

          Google doesn't like spam and your website will be removed from Google's index if you
          use spammy methods to promote your site. Most search engines consider the
          following spam:

          · automatically created low quality content
          · automatically created backlinks (automated blog comments, automated forum

             accounts, etc.)
          · cloaking (the web server returns different pages for search engine spiders and

             human web surfers)
          · doorway pages
          · misleading redirections
          · hidden text (text has a color that is very similar to the background color, text in very

             small font sizes, text that has been hidden with CSS tags etc.)

          If you use one of these techniques on your web pages, remove them now. You might
          get short term results with them but it is extremely likely that search engines will ban
          your site if you continue to use them.

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