Page 18 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 18

17 Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

4.5 Black-hat and white-hat SEO

          Some search engine optimization companies and software tools use unethical
          techniques and tricks to artificially boost the search engine rankings of a website.
          This dilutes the quality of search results and calls into question the accuracy of search
          results. These methods are called black-hat SEO.

          Black-hat SEO is very risky
          Search engines don't like to be cheated. For this reason, they are continuously trying
          to counter the spam techniques which webmasters might be using and penalize or
          ban them.
          Search engines continue to reconstruct their algorithms to prevent spammers from
          flooding the results page with irrelevant or low quality content.
          You might get short term results with these techniques but it is very likely that your
          site will be banned from search engines if you use them. You'll put your web business
          at severe risk if you use black-hat SEO methods.

          IBP uses white-hat SEO methods
          IBP uses only ethical search engine optimization methods. These methods are called
          white-hat SEO. IBP uses only safe SEO techniques that produce lasting results and
          that don't offend search engines.
          Ethical search engine optimization (white-hat SEO) is about everyone winning. It
          leads to a symbiotic relationship:

          · Search engines: They win as they are provided with pages that are easy to
             understand and that contain the quality information that their visitors search for.

          · Searchers: They win as they are getting what they ask for from the search engines.
             They search for "inexpensive mp3 players" and get a page about inexpensive mp3

          · Web site owners: They win as they are getting quality visitors who are interested
             in what their website has to offer.

          IBP helps you to build websites that are beneficial to web surfers, website owners and
          search engines.

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