Page 157 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 157

Link building 156 how to create link pages that don't look like link pages

          IBP's link manager allows you to create link pages that don't look at all like link
          pages. Do the following:

          1. Add a long category description to all category pages
          Click on a category name in IBP's link manager' main list and select Edit categories...
          Then double-click the category for which you want to add a new category description.
          A category description can be any text that is related to a category. For example, you
          could use the following as a category description:
          · a lengthy description of the category topic
          · an explanation why the topic of the category might be important to your website

          · an article that deals that the topic of the category
          If you use a long category description then your link pages won't look like link pages
          but like article pages with links to additional resources.
          The article descriptions can contain HTML code. That means that you can make the
          text big, bold, italic, etc. You can also include links in the article descriptions (for
          example to include a YouTube video).
          Use different category descriptions for different categories and use different elements
          in different descriptions to make sure that all category pages have an individual look.

          2. Edit your link directory template
          Most people display links like that

                  This is a short description of the other website
                  This is a longer description of the other website. You can find many interesting things on the other
                  website. It might be a good idea to click the link to visit the website now.

          If you have many of these links on your link pages, the pages might look like link lists
          or dedicated link pages. There's nothing wrong with that. However, some webmasters
          prefer link pages that don't look like link pages.

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