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Link building 158 Tip: how to make your link pages more attractive

          It is very important that your link pages are attractive to your website visitors and
          your link partners. The more attractive your link pages are, the more links you will
          To make your link pages attractive, you should consider the following points:

          1. Keep the links on a page related
              It's very important that the links on a category page are related. You should not
              link to casino pages, dog food sellers and flower stores on the same category page.
              The links on a single page should be related to a special topic. If a link partners
              sees that his link is on a page that is related to his topic and nothing else then your
              link partner will give that link higher value.

          2. Offer interesting topics
              The topic of the categories in your link directory need not be 100% related to your
              business. It's ok if its only remotely related. What matters is that the category
              pages offer something that might be interesting to your website visitors.
              If your visitors like your link pages then your link partners will also like your link
              pages because they can expect targeted traffic through your pages.

          3. Offer valuable content
              If possible, add an articles about the topics of the category pages on your category
              pages. This can easily be done by editing the category description in the Edit
              Category 172 window in IBP's link manager.
              If your link pages look like article pages then your website visitors will go to these
              pages because they offer valuable information. Your link partners will love these
              pages because a link to additional resources on an article page usually works better
              than a link that stands on his own. For example, don't call your link directory
              "Links" but "Articles" and present your link partner links as additional resources
              that are related to the article.

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