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Find the best keywords  26

5.3.1 Quick overwiew

          IBP's keyword manager is a powerful tool that will help you to find good keywords for
          both pay per click advertising and organic search engine optimization.
          Here's an overview of the keyword manager window:

          1. Select the language and the country in the popup menu in the upper left corner of
              the window.

          2. Enter a keyword and click the Search button.
          3. View keyword suggestions. Click on a keyword to refine your search.
          4. Your collected keywords are displayed on the right side of the list. You can have

              multiple keyword lists.
          5. The Google AdWords ad group focus of the current keyword list shows you how

              targeted your lists are.
          6. Click the "Export to Google AdWords and others" button to create match types,

          7. Manage your ad group lists (keyword lists) ad the top of the window.

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