Page 54 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 54

53 Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

          What you have to do now
          Read the report carefully and follow its instructions. If you have to change something
          on your web page to improve the ranking, IBP will mark this with one ("<") or two
          arrows ("<<"), depending on the importance of the advice.
          To edit your web page, open it in IBP's Static Web Page Editor and follow the advice
          in the report. If you don't have a copy of your web page on your local hard disk or if
          your web pages are created dynamically, use the tools that you normally use to edit
          your web pages according to the recommendations in the report.
          It doesn't matter which tool you use to edit your pages as long as you make the
          changes that are recommended in the Top 10 Optimizer report.
          If your web page is already well designed for a certain aspect, you'll see an "OK" next
          to the analyzed web page element.
          Upload your changed web page to your host server and create a new report with the
          Top 10 Web Page Optimizer until the report shows "OK" for all analyzed web page
          elements. Now your web page is fully optimized for a high ranking on the selected
          search engine for the chosen keyword.

              Top 10 Optimizer tips:
              · Optimize different pages of your website for different keywords. The more

                 optimized web pages you have, the better.
              · Do not optimize a web page for a new search term if it has a high ranking for

                 another search term.
              · Do not optimize the content of a web page if it is already in the top 10 results.

                 In that case, try to get more and better backlinks to your website.

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