Page 58 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 58

57 Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

          The panels represent the different elements of the web page. The Title panel shows
          the content of the <TITLE> </TITLE> tag in the HTML source of the web page, the
          Description panel shows the content of the META description tag, etc.
          Click the Title panel to edit the title of the web page. Change the title according to the
          suggestions of IBP's Top 10 Web Page Optimizer report. As you type, IBP's Static
          Web Page Editor will automatically update the Keyword Density and other
          information that is related to the keyword.
          That allows you to quickly change the title according to the suggestions of IBP's Top
          10 Web Page Optimizer so that your web pages are prepared for top 10 search engine
          rankings. Click the question mark icons at the bottom of each panel to get further
          information about the selected web page element.
          To edit more complex parts of your web page, click the HTML panel. That will open
          the plain text HTML editor. The plain text HTML editor allows you to directly edit
          the HTML code of your web page. You can edit the body text and other web page
          elements that way.

          4. Save your work and upload the optimized web page to your web server
          Click the Save File... button in the upper right corner of this window to save your
          Then you can upload the optimized web page from your hard disk to your web server.
          IBP's Static Web Page Editor hasn't changed the location of the web page file on your
          hard disk. You can upload the optimized file with the same tool you normally use to
          upload your pages.

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