Page 56 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 56

55 Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

          Why doesn't the Top 10 Optimizer adjust my web pages automatically?
          It is not possible to automatically adjust your web pages. Every web page has its own
          design and uses its own HTML code.
          If web pages were automatically adjusted by a software program, all websites would
          look the same sooner or later. Some tools automatically create "optimized" web pages
          for you. These pages are called "doorway pages" or "advertising pages". They are
          supposed to look good to search engines but they are ugly and meaningless to human
          web surfers. Search engines don't like that kind of automatically created pages and
          they consider this spam.
          For that reason, IBP's Top 10 Optimizer doesn't automatically adjust your pages.
          You'll get much better results if you follow the advice in IBP's Top 10 Optimizer
          report and change the pages yourself. IBP's Static Web Page Editor can help you to
          quickly adjust your web pages.

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