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6.3 Edit your web pages with IBP's Static Web Page Editor

          IBP's Static Web Page Editor helps you to quickly make changes to your web pages so
          that they are compliant with the advice of IBP's Top 10 Web Page Optimizer.

              IBP's Static Web Page Editor works only with static pages. If your web pages
              are created dynamically (PHP, ASP, etc.) then you have to use the tools that you
              normally use to edit your web pages to adjust your pages according to the
              recommendations of IBP's Top 10 Optimizer.

          You can start the Static Web Page Editor by clicking the "Edit your web page" button
          in IBP's Top 10 Optimizer or by selecting "Tools > Static Web Page Editor" in IBP's
          main window.
          Do the following to edit your web pages:

          1. Select your web page in the Select a web page file list.
          The Select a web page file list is a simple file dialog that allows you to select web
          pages that are stored on your hard disk. The Static Web Page Editor cannot edit files
          directly from your website. The files must be on your hard disk.
          If you use a content management system (CMS) to create your web pages (for
          example Wordpress), use the CMS to adjust your pages according to the
          recommendations of the Top 10 Optimizer.
          (If you don't have a copy of the web page you want to edit on your hard disk, select
          Save As > HTML Source in the File menu of your web browser to save a copy of the
          page to your hard disk.)

          2. Enter the keyword for which you want to optimize your web page in the
          Enter keywords box.
          Enter the keyword for which you want to optimize your web page in the second box
          on the left side. This should be the same keyword that you used in IBP's Top 10 Web
          Page Optimizer.

          3. Go through the panels and optimize the web page

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