Page 64 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 64

63  Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

6.5.2 Check the status code that your server sends to search engines

          Some websites cannot get high search engine rankings because the web server on
          which the web pages are hosted returns a wrong HTTP status code.

          If you use the wrong status code, search engines won't index your site

          Normally, your web server should return a "200 OK" message when a search engine
          spider requests your web pages. Unfortunately, some web servers return error
          messages and other response codes.

          That means that search engine spiders might not be able to index your web pages
          although your web pages look fine in your web browser.

          IBP's search engine spider simulator checks the status code of your site

          IBP's Search Engine Spider Simulator is very easy to use. Select Tools > Search
          Engine Spider Simulator in IBP's main window to start the Search Engine Spider

          You can also select the search engine spider simulator in the Tools menu in IBP's
          main window.

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