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don't	mention	it.	Don't	even	worry	about	promoting	your	content.	Simply	answer
their	questions	with	smart	responses.	Add	value.	Be	helpful.	Show	off	how
knowledgeable	you	are	in	the	space.	People	will	click	through	your	response	to
your	LinkedIn	profile.	They	will	notice	the	company	you	work	for.	They	will
probably	check	it	out.	They	will	probably	read	your	content	and	subscribe	to	it.
How	valuable	will	that	be	to	you?
Social	media	participation	is	not	a	one-way	stream	to	promote	your	content.	That
is	an	egotistical	approach.	That	is	too	selfish.	That	is	not	networking.	The	best
networkers	at	an	event	don't	show	up	and	just	talk	about	themselves.	They	meet
people.	They	ask	questions.	They	add	value.	Use	these	same	techniques	online.
As	a	rule	of	thumb,	I	like	one-third	of	my	social	media	messages	to	be	about	my
company	and	two-thirds	to	be	about	other	people.

Long-Tail	Theory

There	is	an	important	concept	that	was	created	over	a	decade	ago	by	Christopher
Anderson	in	his	book,	The	Long	Tail.	The	long	tail	refers	to	the	fact	that,	within
a	given	population,	a	large	percentage	of	overall	data	will	be	represented	by	the
multitude	of	small	data	batches	scattered	farther	down	the	curve.	This	concept	is
important	for	successful	inbound	marketing,	especially	as	it	relates	to	selecting
content	topics.
Figure	10.1	illustrates	the	long-tail	concept.

Figure	10.1	The	Long-Tail	Theory
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