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conversing.	Your	target	buyers	are	having	hundreds,	sometimes	thousands	of
conversations	online	every	day.	Many	of	these	conversations	are	related	to	the
value	your	business	provides	to	these	target	buyers.	Social	media	is	like	a	live
conference	that	is	happening	every	second	of	every	day.	Set	up	your	booth	and
get	involved	in	the	conversation.

Here	are	some	examples	of	the	nooks	in	which	your	target	buyers	may	be
conversing,	and	examples	of	how	you	can	engage	with	them	online.

Perhaps	there	are	a	handful	of	blogs	that	many	of	your	target	buyers	read.	You
should	read	those	blogs	too.	Add	value	to	the	conversation	by	leaving	an
intelligent	comment.	Sign	the	comment	with	your	name	and	hyperlink	your
name	back	to	your	blog.	If	you	leave	the	first	comment	on	a	hot	article	that
eventually	goes	viral,	that	will	be	more	beneficial	than	any	online	advertisement
you	can	purchase.	Furthermore,	most	great	bloggers	love	getting	comments	on
their	blogs.	They	often	respond	to	the	comments.	They	mentally	note	who	leaves
insightful	comments	on	their	blogs.	Don't	be	afraid	to	reach	out	to	them	via
email	once	you	have	been	active	on	their	blog	for	some	time.	Form	a	tighter
relationship	with	the	blogger.	Invite	them	to	guest	blog	on	your	blog.	Ask	if	you
can	submit	a	guest	blog	for	their	blog.	They	will	probably	be	interested.	Now
your	thought	leadership	will	be	promoted	to	a	new	audience	of	target	customers.
Even	better,	your	thought	leadership	gets	a	big	rubber	stamp	of	approval	because
this	blogger,	whom	the	audience	already	trusts,	has	authorized	and	endorsed
your	content.	How	valuable	will	that	be	to	you?

Another	source	you	may	try	is	Twitter.	Find	the	people	on	Twitter	who	your
target	buyers	follow.	Follow	these	same	Twitter	users.	Read	their	tweets.
Retweet	the	posts	you	find	interesting	and	relevant	to	your	buyers.	A	lot	of	these
authoritative	Twitter	users	will	probably	follow	you	back.	Don't	be	afraid	to
reach	out	to	them	via	email	and	form	a	tighter	relationship	with	them,	just	as	you
did	with	the	bloggers.	The	next	time	you	publish	a	piece	of	content,	ask	if	they
wouldn't	mind	promoting	it	on	their	Twitter	stream.	If	you	have	already
scratched	their	back	by	promoting	their	stuff	a	few	times,	and	if	your	content	is
high-quality,	almost	all	of	them	will	return	the	favor.	Now	their	5,000	followers,
the	majority	of	whom	are	target	customers	for	you,	just	received	a	big	stamp	of
approval	for	your	thought	leadership	(and	your	business)	from	a	thought	leader
they	trust.	How	valuable	will	that	be	to	you?

Finally,	find	the	LinkedIn	groups	in	which	your	prospects	are	congregating.
Read	the	questions	they	ask.	Answer	the	questions	that	are	most	relevant	to	your
company's	value	proposition.	Don't	worry	about	promoting	your	product.	In	fact,
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