Page 107 - The Sales Acceleration Formula: Using Data, Technology, and Inbound Selling to go from $0 to $100 Million -
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There	is	one	key	resource	of	the	content	production	process—the	journalist.
Journalists	hold	the	keys	to	the	future	of	demand	generation!	Nobody	recognizes
this	opportunity,	not	even	the	journalists	themselves.	Take	advantage.	Your	job
as	an	executive	is	to	develop	this	journalistic	capability	within	your	company	to
drive	the	modern	demand	generation	process.

This	can	be	tricky.	Developing	this	journalistic	capability	is	the	hardest,	but	most
important,	part	of	your	journey.	There	are	a	number	of	options	here.	On	one	end
of	the	spectrum,	you	could	hire	a	full-time	journalist.	The	good	news	for	you	is
that	many	journalists	are	extraordinarily	gifted	and,	unfortunately,	their
traditional	professional	opportunities	are	become	scarcer	every	day.	Newspapers
and	magazines	are	on	life	support.	Exceptional	journalists	are	struggling	to	find
work.	Find	them	and	hire	them.

On	the	other	end	of	the	spectrum,	you	could	hire	an	intern.	Go	down	to	the
university	near	your	office	with	the	best	journalism	program,	find	a	great
student,	and	have	them	come	by	your	office	for	a	half	day	every	Friday	morning
to	write.	If	you	are	extraordinarily	budget	conscious,	you	may	even	be	able	to
pay	them	through	course	credit.

Of	course,	there	are	many	options	in	between	these	two	extremes.	The
journalism	industry	is	very	open	to	freelance	lifestyles.	You	can	find	a	freelancer
to	write	for	you.	Alternatively,	do	you	have	an	office	administrator?
Traditionally,	these	folks	have	exceptional	written	communication	skills.	Could
you	eliminate	a	mundane	five-hour	task	in	their	week	to	free	up	time	for
valuable	content	production	time?

When	hiring	this	journalist,	do	not	obsess	about	domain	experience.	This	hire
does	not	need	to	have	deep	knowledge	of	your	product,	your	industry,	or	your
buyer.	It	is	helpful,	but	it	is	less	important	than	great	journalism	skills.	A	great
journalist	can	sit	down	with	a	PhD	neuroscientist,	pick	her	brain	for	an	hour,	and
write	a	beautifully	interesting	piece	of	content.	They	do	not	need	to	be	experts	in
the	space.

Once	you	have	found	the	journalist,	the	next	step	is	to	form	a	thought	leadership
committee.	The	thought	leadership	committee	provides	the	journalist	with	a
continual	source	of	domain	knowledge.	Anyone	at	the	company	who
understands	your	industry,	your	product	value	proposition,	and	your	customer's
needs	should	be	considered	for	the	thought	leadership	committee.	Certainly	your
executive	team	should	participate.	If	you	sell	a	technical	product,	some
engineers	should	be	involved.	If	you	have	relationships	with	partners	or	external
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