Page 103 - The Sales Acceleration Formula: Using Data, Technology, and Inbound Selling to go from $0 to $100 Million -
P. 103

“Today's	buyer	is	empowered	by	the	Internet.	A	modern	demand	generation
  strategy	means	less	focus	on	interruptive	outbound	marketing	and	more
  focus	on	inbound	marketing.”

Ironically,	when	I	pose	these	same	survey	questions	to	sales	and	marketing
executives,	asking	them	where	their	companies	are	spending	their	sales	and
marketing	dollars,	the	results	are	quite	different.

“How	much	are	you	spending	on	outbound	marketing,	such	as	cold-calling,
direct	mail,	advertising,	and	trade	shows?”

Many	people	are	embarrassed	about	the	amount	of	money	they	are	throwing
away	on	these	tactics.

“How	much	are	you	spending	on	inbound	marketing,	such	as	SEO,	social	media
participation,	and	blogging?”

Many	people	are	spending	next	to	nothing.

Despite	the	shift	from	outbound	marketing	to	inbound	marketing	that	is	so
obvious	when	viewing	the	situation	as	a	buyer,	for	whatever	reason,	companies
are	very	slow	to	react.	Companies	watch	the	effectiveness	of	outbound
marketing	tactics	decline.	Companies	watch	the	effectiveness	of	inbound
marketing	tactics	increase.	Yet	companies	continue	to	pour	the	majority	of	their
demand	generation	efforts	into	outbound	marketing.

Don't	make	this	mistake.	Invest	in	inbound	marketing.	Help	buyers	find	you.

How	Can	Your	Business	Rank	at	the	Top	of

There	are	hundreds	of	phrases	for	which	every	business	owner	would	give	their
left	arm	in	order	to	rank	at	the	top	of	Google.	The	potential	impact	to	their
business	is	enormous.

How	do	you	do	it?	How	do	you	get	your	business	to	the	top	of	Google	for	the
words	and	phrases	that	your	best-fit	buyers	are	searching	for?

Let's	review	a	brief	history	of	search	engine	ranking	algorithms.	You	may	recall
that	Google	was	not	the	first	search	engine.	Do	you	remember	Alta	Vista	and
Excite?	They	were	among	the	first	movers	in	the	search	engine	industry.	These
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