Page 102 - The Sales Acceleration Formula: Using Data, Technology, and Inbound Selling to go from $0 to $100 Million -
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Flip	the	Demand	Generation	Formula—Get
Buyers	to	Find	You

Have	you	been	cold-called	in	the	past	six	months?	Did	you	enjoy	the
experience?	Did	you	engage	with	the	salesperson?	Did	you	buy	the	product?

Have	you	recently	received	an	unsolicited	piece	of	direct	mail	or	email?	Did	you
open	it?	Did	you	like	receiving	it?	Did	you	buy	the	product	that	was	promoted?

Have	you	conducted	a	Google	search	to	research	a	product	in	the	past	six
months?	Did	you	enjoy	the	process?	Did	you	make	a	purchase?

Have	you	heard	about	a	product	in	social	media	from	people	you	trust?	Did	you
look	into	the	product?	Did	you	end	up	buying	it?

I	have	posed	those	questions	to	hundreds	of	audiences	over	the	years.	Some	were
MBA	students.	Some	were	doctors	and	lawyers.	Some	were	tech	entrepreneurs.
Some	were	realtors.	Regardless	of	the	audience,	the	results	of	the	survey	are
always	the	same.	Very	few	hands	go	up	when	folks	are	asked	whether	a	cold	call
or	unsolicited	email	instigated	a	purchase.	Almost	all	of	the	hands	go	up	when
people	are	asked	whether	a	Google	search	or	social	media	discussion	influenced
a	purchase.

Buyers	get	annoyed	with	the	interruptive	tactics	referred	to	in	the	first	two	sets
of	questions.	At	HubSpot,	we	call	these	tactics	“outbound	marketing.”	Outbound
marketing	just	doesn't	work	anymore.	Buyers	dislike	outbound	marketing	so
much	that	they	actually	invest	in	technology	to	keep	these	tactics	out	of	their
lives.	Buyers	add	themselves	to	the	Do	Not	Call	Registry.	Buyers	use	DVRs	to
fast-forward	through	television	commercials.	Buyers	keep	unsolicited	email	out
of	their	inboxes	with	spam	blockers.

Today's	buyers	are	empowered	by	the	Internet.	They	are	empowered	by	Google
and	social	media.	At	HubSpot,	we	refer	to	these	channels	as	“inbound
marketing.”	Buyers	do	not	need	to	talk	to	a	salesperson,	read	an	advertisement,
or	visit	a	booth	at	a	trade	show.

Buyers	can	be	bored	at	home	on	a	Saturday	night	and	start	researching	the
problems	they	are	experiencing	at	work.	This	action	is	the	start	of	the	modern
sales	and	marketing	funnel.
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