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you	will	be	found	often	by	qualified	prospects	in	Google.	The	demand	for	your
business	will	grow	exponentially.	Your	business	will	be	changed	forever.

At	this	point,	you	may	be	asking,	“But	how	do	I	achieve	these	goals?	How	do	I
organically	get	a	lot	of	inbound	links	from	other	websites?	How	do	I	organically
build	a	large	social	media	following?”

Here	are	the	two	simple	actions	you	need	to	take	in	order	to	drive	inbound	links
and	social	media	following:

1.	 Create	quality	content	(e.g.,	blogs,	ebooks,	webinars)	on	a	frequent	basis.

2.	 Participate	in	the	social	media	discussions	in	which	your	target	prospects	are
    already	conversing.

  “Successful	inbound	marketing	comes	from	two	tactics:	(1)	continual	quality
  content	production,	and	(2)	frequent	online	participation	in	social	media
  where	your	target	buyers	are	already	conversing.”

That's	it.	This	simple	strategy	will	modernize	your	demand	generation	strategy.
It	will	align	your	business	with	the	habits	of	the	modern	buyer.	It	will	get	your
business	found	by	the	prospects	you	care	about	most.	Not	only	will	you	start
generating	lots	of	traffic	from	Google,	you	will	also	start	developing	a	valuable
social	media	following.	You	will	start	to	amass	a	sizable	blog	subscriber	list.
Prospects	will	start	to	give	you	their	email	so	you	can	continue	to	send	them	the
valuable	content	you	now	regularly	produce.	These	actions	of	blogging,	quality
content	production,	and	social	media	participation	to	drive	qualified	Google
search	traffic	is	the	foundation	of	inbound	marketing.	It	is	the	cornerstone	of
getting	your	business	found	when	and	where	your	prospects	are	searching.

This	Does	Not	Happen	Overnight

One	major	mistake	companies	make	when	embarking	on	this	journey	is	a	lack	of
commitment.	They	set	up	a	blog	and	social	media	accounts	for	the	company.
They	write	three	blog	articles.	They	promote	their	articles	on	their	social	media
accounts.	Nothing	happens.	They	think,	“Maybe	inbound	marketing	doesn't
work	for	my	business?”

It	will.	You	just	need	more	time.	We	often	draw	an	analogy	between	this	style	of
demand	generation	and	weight	loss.	If	you	have	a	goal	to	lose	10	pounds,	you	do
not	hit	the	gym	three	times	in	the	first	week	and	lose	the	10	pounds.	In	fact,	you
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