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industry	of	the	company,	the	role	of	the	buyer,	and	so	forth.	In	the	example	in
Figure	11.2,	we	are	targeting	three	buyer	personas:	Small	Business,	Mid-Market,
and	Enterprise.

The	horizontal	axis	(x-axis)	shows	the	different	stages	through	which	the	buyer
progresses	during	the	buyer	journey.	These	stages	of	the	buyer	will	likely
change,	hopefully	as	quickly	as	possible.	In	this	example,	we	have	three	stages
of	the	buyer	journey:	Problem	Education,	Solution	Research,	and	Solution

With	the	buyer	personas	and	the	buyer	journey	defined,	our	example	buyer
matrix	is	established!	The	three-by-three	matrix	yields	nine	unique	“buyer
states,”	with	each	buyer	state	representing	a	specific	buyer	persona	at	a	specific
stage	in	the	buying	journey.	We	are	now	in	a	position	to	customize	the
experience	that	each	buyer	has	with	our	company	based	on	who	they	are	and
where	they	are	in	the	process.	We	can	customize	our	marketing,	our	sales,	our
product,	and	our	customer	support	to	match	their	buyer	state.

As	an	example,	assume	a	potential	buyer	is	in	the	“Small	Business/Problem
Education”	buyer	state.	We	should	strive	to	customize	her	entire	experience	with
our	company	based	on	her	buyer	state.	When	this	buyer	visits	our	website,	she
should	be	greeted	with	a	call	to	action	to	download	an	ebook	on	small	business
marketing	trends	in	2014.	If	the	sales	team	connects	with	this	buyer,	the	sales
team	should	reference	educational	collateral	we	developed	for	buyers	early	in
their	buying	journey.

On	the	other	hand,	if	we	are	dealing	with	a	potential	buyer	in	the	“Small
Business/Solution	Selection”	buyer	state,	the	call	to	action	on	the	website	should
be	to	read	a	case	study	about	a	small	business	customer	in	his	industry.	When	the
sales	team	engages	with	this	buyer,	the	sales	team	should	reference	ROI	reports
summarizing	our	similar	customers'	success	with	our	products.	The	prospective
buyer's	experience	with	the	entire	company	is	optimized	for	that	buyer's	state.

When	you	first	set	up	the	matrix,	do	not	feel	pressure	to	create	a	highly
customized,	thoroughly	tested	experience	for	each	buyer	state	right	away.
Instead,	implement	something	basic	for	each	box.	Use	your	gut.	Form	some

Once	the	basic	theories	are	in	place,	make	sure	you	have	a	way	to	measure	the
performance	of	the	tactics	within	each	buyer	state.	How	many	buyers	enter	each
buyer	state	every	month?	How	many	buyers	move	on	in	their	journey?	How
many	buyers	get	stuck	or	exit	the	funnel?	Where	do	they	get	stuck	and	after	how
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