Page 119 - The Sales Acceleration Formula: Using Data, Technology, and Inbound Selling to go from $0 to $100 Million -
P. 119


A	disciplined	measurement	strategy	for	the	buyer	matrix	allows	you	to	analyze,
test,	and	optimize	the	entire	matrix,	one	buyer	state	at	a	time.	Take	a	step	back
and	decide	which	buyer	states	are	performing	poorly	and	represent	the	best
opportunities	for	improvement.	Pick	one.	Analyze	the	performance	of	that	buyer
state.	Take	a	deep	look	at	buyers	who	are	progressing	quickly	through	it.	What
content	did	they	consume?	What	actions	did	they	take?	What	actions	did	your
company	take	to	accelerate	them	through	that	state?	Then	take	a	deep	look	at
buyers	who	are	stuck	in	that	buyer	state.	Don't	be	afraid	to	call	them	to	diagnose
the	blockers	that	are	preventing	them	from	progressing	in	their	buyer	journey.
Form	theories	on	how	to	resolve	the	issues.	Run	some	experiments.	Optimize
and	improve.	Then	move	on	to	the	next	buyer	state.

Use	the	Buyer	Matrix	to	Determine	When	to	Pass	Leads	to

With	a	well-formed	buyer	matrix	in	place,	let's	get	back	to	the	original	question.
When	should	each	type	of	lead	be	passed	to	sales?	Let's	address	this	question
within	the	context	of	the	matrix.

Start	with	a	theory	for	each	persona.	Assume	we	want	to	pass	the	“Enterprise”
persona	leads	to	sales	at	the	first	stage	of	their	journey,	the	“Problem	Education”
stage.	Our	gut	tells	us	that	Enterprise	opportunities	have	sizeable	revenue
potential.	If	an	employee	at	a	Fortune	500	company	even	touches	our	website,
subscribes	to	our	blog,	or	mentions	us	in	social	media,	we	probably	want	a
salesperson	to	follow	up	immediately.

For	the	“Mid-Market”	persona,	assume	we	want	to	pass	the	leads	to	sales	at	the
“Solution	Research”	stage.	These	mid-market	companies	probably	do	not	have
quite	as	much	revenue	upside	as	the	Enterprise	customers.	Marketing	will
nurture	these	buyers	through	the	Problem	Education	stage.	Once	the	buyer's
actions	suggest	he	has	reached	the	Solution	Research	stage	(perhaps	he
downloaded	product	information	or	requested	a	product	demonstration),	the
buyer	will	be	passed	to	a	salesperson.

For	the	“Small	Business”	persona,	let's	assume	we	want	to	pass	the	leads	to	sales
at	the	“Solution	Selection”	stage.	These	small	businesses	have	a	limited	budget
and,	in	turn,	limited	revenue	potential.	However,	there	are	a	lot	of	them.
Marketing	will	nurture	these	buyers	through	both	the	Problem	Education	and
Solution	Research	stages.	Once	the	buyers	indicate	they	are	at	the	Solution
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