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segment,	there	are	typically	multiple	individuals	involved	in	the	buyer	journey.
Each	of	these	individuals	has	unique	interests.	Finance,	marketing,	and	IT	may
all	have	influence	over	the	decision.	How	do	we	account	for	all	of	these
influences	in	the	buyer	matrix?	In	the	Small	Business	segment,	you	may	sell	to
multiple	industries,	such	as	technology,	finance,	and	health	care.	Each	industry
has	unique	perspectives	throughout	the	buyer	journey.	How	do	we	account	for
these	different	industries	in	the	buyer	matrix?

As	you	become	more	of	an	expert	with	your	buyer	matrix,	you	can	introduce
microsegments	to	address	these	complications.	Let's	use	the	multi-influencer
Enterprise	example	described	earlier.	Take	the	entire	Enterprise	row	and	create	a
new	matrix	for	this	row.	This	time	the	y-axis	reflects	the	different	influencer
roles,	such	as	marketing	end	user,	IT,	and	finance.	We'll	keep	the	buyer	journey
the	same.	Now	I	can	further	customize	the	individual's	experience	with	my
company.	As	such,	I	may	show	different	sets	of	content	to	the	IT	manager	and
the	marketing	end	user,	all	adjusted	to	the	stage	they	are	at	in	their	journey.

Sales'	Role	in	Converting	Interest	into	Revenue

Just	like	Marketing,	Sales	needs	to	evolve	its	strategy	when	handling	inbound

Any	difficulties	that	salespeople	have	adjusting	to	these	inbound	leads	usually
stem	from	the	fact	that	some	of	the	classic	training	that	salespeople	have
received	over	the	past	few	decades	does	not	apply	when	working	with	inbound
leads.	In	fact,	these	legacy	tactics	can	actually	hurt	the	sale.	There	are	three
specific	aspects	of	legacy	selling	that	hurt	inbound	lead	handling	the	most.

Scrap	the	Elevator	Pitch—Lead	with	Context

Has	your	name	ever	been	on	a	salesperson's	call	list?	Did	you	receive	a	lot	of
voicemails	from	that	salesperson	over	the	course	of	a	few	weeks?	Think	back	to
those	voicemails.	Were	they	valuable?	Did	you	learn	anything	that	helped	you?
Or	were	the	voicemails	a	carbon	copy	of	the	company's	elevator	pitch?

I	probably	receive	about	20	cold	calls	a	day	from	various	salespeople.	Here	is	an
example	call	sequence	I	receive	from	a	salesperson.

   [Tuesday	at	9	a.m.]	“Hi,	Mark.	This	is	John	from	XYZ	Company.	Would
   you	like	to	reach	more	decision	makers	with	your	sales	team's	calling
   efforts?	Our	company	can	deliver	the	names	and	contact	information	for
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