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3.	 A	lead	opened	an	email	from	my	drip	marketing	campaign

4.	 A	lead	mentioned	a	key	phrase	relevant	to	my	business	on	social	media

5.	 A	lead	mentioned	our	company	or	our	competition	on	social	media

6.	 A	lead	followed	our	CEO	on	Twitter

7.	 A	lead	downloaded	one	of	our	ebooks

Salespeople	need	to	know	in	real	time	when	these	engagements	are	occurring,
and	should	be	organizing	their	prospecting	activity	accordingly.	Forget
alphabetical	order	and	deprioritize	touch	cadences.

Specialize	Sales	by	Inbound	versus	Outbound

As	we	have	discussed	in	this	chapter,	selling	to	an	inbound	lead	requires	a	new
set	of	skills.	For	this	reason,	specializing	the	members	of	your	sales	team	by	the
types	of	leads	they	cover	(inbound	versus	outbound)	is	a	good	idea.	This
specialization	is	also	important	for	another	reason:	if	a	salesperson	receives	50
inbound	leads	per	month	and	is	asked	to	supplement	his	pipeline	with	cold
calling,	that	salesperson	will	not	do	the	cold	calls.	Salespeople	will	always	look
for	the	path	of	least	resistance	to	hit	their	goal.	If	you	do	not	give	a	salesperson
any	inbound	leads	and	tell	them	they	need	to	hit	quota	through	cold	calling,
they'll	find	a	way	to	make	it	happen.

This	is	the	approach	we	used	at	HubSpot	as	we	scaled	to	$100M	in	revenue.	We
had	one	team	that	called	the	inbound	leads	exclusively.	They	got	really	good	at
using	specific	tactics	to	engage	with	these	inbound	leads.	We	got	really	good	at
sizing	this	team	in	order	to	optimize	the	lead	flow	per	salesperson	and	the	time
spent	on	each	lead.	We	had	another	team	that	had	to	get	to	goal	by	cold	calling.
These	folks	were	given	business	development	reps,	or	BDRs,	who	made	the	cold
calls	and	set	appointments	for	the	outbound	closing	specialists.	This	team	could
take	advantage	of	targeting	perfect-fit	companies	but	had	the	added	task	of
educating	cold	prospects	and	creating	pain	points.

This	tactic	of	specializing	by	lead	source	works	really	well	during	the	$0	to	$100
million	journey.	I	have	seen	it	implemented	at	many	start-ups,	and	it
immediately	resolves	issues	of	salespeople	refusing	to	call	inbound	leads	or
refusing	to	make	cold	calls.	In	most	cases,	companies	are	transitioning	from	a
small	team	that	exclusively	makes	cold	calls	to	a	hybrid	structure	that
accommodates	inbound	volume.	The	best	thing	to	do	is	take	your	top-performing
salespeople	and	rotate	the	inbound	leads	between	them.	That	way,	they	can	start
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