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qualified	leads	per	month	for	a	mid-market	salesperson	was	150.	Let's	assume
that	if	a	mid-market	salesperson	was	provided	with	150	leads	per	month,	the
salesperson	connected	with	50	percent	of	the	leads,	created	25	qualified	sales
opportunities,	moved	15	of	the	opportunities	to	the	presentation	stage,	and
converted	five	of	the	presentations	into	paying	customers	every	month,	thus
achieving	his	revenue	goals.

Given	the	assumptions	in	this	example,	the	Marketing	SLA	was	easy	to
calculate.	If	there	are	10	salespeople	on	the	mid-market	team	and	each	mid-
market	salesperson	needs	150	qualified	leads	per	month,	then	Mike	needed	to
deliver	1,500	qualified	leads	each	month	in	order	for	the	team	to	hit	their	goal.	In
my	experience,	companies	that	reach	this	level	of	precision	rank	in	the	top	5
percent	of	Sales	and	Marketing	alignment	excellence.

Unfortunately,	Mike	and	I	found	that	our	precise	approach	was	not	quite	world-
class.	Here's	why:	under	the	foregoing	model,	if	a	VP	of	marketing	visited	the
HubSpot	website	and	filled	out	a	form	to	download	some	collateral	on	our
product,	that	action	would	generate	a	qualified	lead.	Why	wouldn't	it?	It	is	a
great	lead!	If	a	different	VP	of	marketing	visited	the	HubSpot	website	and	was
active	in	a	trial	of	our	free	product,	that	action	would	generate	a	qualified	lead	as
well.	It	is	also	a	great	lead!

Which	type	of	lead	do	you	think	closed	at	a	higher	rate—the	product	collateral
download	or	the	active	free	trial?	The	active	free	trial	closed	at	a	higher	rate,	of
course!	This	type	of	lead	was	further	along	in	the	buyer	journey.	It	was	at	the
“Solution	Selection”	stage	of	the	buyer	journey,	rather	than	the	“Solution
Research”	stage.	In	our	case,	active	free	trials	closed	at	many	times	the	rate	of
product	collateral	downloads.

Think	about	the	issue	a	different	way:	Which	lead	do	you	think	was	easier	for
Marketing	to	generate,	the	product	collateral	download	or	the	active	free	trial?
The	product	collateral	was	easier	for	Marketing	to	generate,	of	course!

Keeping	this	logic	in	mind,	and	referring	back	to	our	Marketing	SLA	of	1,500
qualified	leads	per	month,	which	type	of	lead	do	you	think	the	sales	team
received	more	often,	product	collateral	downloads	or	active	free	trials?	Which
“call	to	action”	do	you	think	appeared	more	frequently	on	our	website,
“download	product	collateral”	or	“start	free	trial”?	When	Marketing	fell	behind
on	their	SLA	and	prepared	an	emergency	email	to	generate	some	demand,	do
you	think	the	email	campaign	focused	on	product	collateral	downloads	or	on	free
trials?	In	all	cases,	the	answer	was	the	product	collateral	downloads.
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