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shift	toward	a	buyer-centric	world.	We	both	wanted	to	scale	a	big	company.	We
knew	it	was	critical	to	achieve	Sales	and	Marketing	alignment,	rather	than	find
ourselves	mired	in	dysfunction.

Reverting	to	the	quant-oriented	lens	through	which	we	viewed	the	world,	Mike
and	I	set	out	to	establish	a	service	level	agreement,	or	“SLA,”	between	our	two
teams.	SLAs	are	commonly	established	in	the	world	of	IT	in	order	to	quantify
the	acceptable	availability	of	a	system	(e.g.,	99.999	percent	uptime	per	month).
Our	mission	with	the	Sales	and	Marketing	SLA	was	to	establish	similarly
quantified	agreements	between	the	two	teams.

  “Use	the	Sales	and	Marketing	SLA	to	replace	the	subjective	and	qualitative
  aspects	of	the	Sales/Marketing	relationship	with	well-defined	targets	and
  quantified	goals.”

The	Marketing	Service	Level	Agreement	(SLA)

The	first	step	in	establishing	the	Marketing	SLA	was	to	define	when	a	lead
would	be	qualified	to	be	passed	to	the	Sales	team.	This	topic	was	covered
thoroughly	in	Chapter	11.	The	decision	to	pass	a	lead	to	Sales	is	best	derived
from	the	Buyer	Matrix.	It	depends	on	the	type	of	company	the	lead	represents
and	the	level	of	engagement	the	lead	has	had	with	your	Sales	and	Marketing
teams	thus	far.

Referring	back	to	our	Buyer	Matrix	in	Chapter	11,	we	established	that	leads	with
a	“Mid-Market”	buyer	persona	would	be	passed	to	Sales	when	they	reached	the
“Solution	Research”	buying	journey	stage.	To	add	more	context	to	our	example,
let's	assume	that	a	typical	Mid-Market	lead	represents	a	company	with	1,000–
10,000	employees.	Let's	also	assume	that	for	a	Mid-Market	lead	to	reach	the
“Solution	Research”	stage,	the	lead	needs	to	have	downloaded	information	about
our	product	or	requested	a	demonstration.	If	Marketing	delivers	a	lead	that	meets
these	criteria,	the	lead	“does	not	suck.”	Sales	should	engage	with	it.	If	Sales
continues	to	resist	these	types	of	leads,	then	either	Sales	needs	additional
training	on	how	to	engage	these	leads	or	the	Marketing	SLA	needs	to	be	revised
to	better	define	what	makes	a	lead	worthy	of	Sales'	attention.

With	a	clear	lead	quality	definition	in	place,	the	quantity	of	leads	expected	each
month	needed	to	be	established	as	well.	Mike	and	I	studied	the	optimal	lead	flow
a	bit.	For	the	purpose	of	this	example,	let's	assume	that	the	optimal	number	of
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