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salesperson	was	violating	the	Sales	SLA.	For	example,	on	the	“Do	Not	Be	on	It”
dashboard,	we	had	a	chart	that	showed	any	new	leads	that	were	not	touched
within	one	hour	of	converting	through	the	website.	We	had	a	chart	that	showed
any	free	trials	that	were	one	week	old	and	had	been	called	fewer	than	three
times.	We	had	a	chart	illustrating	the	demo	requests	that	were	three	days	old	and
had	been	touched	fewer	than	two	times.	You	get	the	point.	Once	you	determine
your	Sales	SLA,	program	these	key	measures	into	your	“Do	Not	Be	on	It”
dashboard	and	distribute	it	to	the	team	daily.

  “Send	daily	reports	updating	the	entire	Sales	and	Marketing	team	on	the
  Sales	and	Marketing	SLA.	Manage	the	Sales	and	Marketing	machine	on	a
  daily	basis.”

As	you	can	see,	this	approach	to	Sales	and	Marketing	alignment	allowed	Mike
and	me	to	run	the	business	on	a	daily	basis,	rather	than	monthly	or	quarterly.	By
being	precise	with	definitions,	expectations,	and	quantified	goals,	both	teams
had	a	clear	understanding	of	their	respective	missions	and	were	accountable	to
one	another.	The	Sales	and	Marketing	machine	was	running	smoothly.

 To	Recap

      The	dysfunctional	relationship	between	Sales	and	Marketing	is	the	kiss
      of	death	in	a	buyer-driven	world.

      Use	the	Sales	and	Marketing	SLA	to	replace	the	subjective	and
      qualitative	aspects	of	the	Sales/Marketing	relationship	with	well-defined
      targets	and	quantified	goals.

      The	Marketing	SLA	provides	a	framework	to	put	Marketing	on	a
      revenue	quota,	similar	to	Sales'	dynamic.

      Sales	is	accountable	to	Marketing	just	like	Marketing	is	accountable	to
      Sales.	The	Sales	SLA	defines	a	series	of	behaviors	expected	of	the	Sales
      team	to	ensure	each	lead	is	worked	effectively.

      Send	daily	reports	updating	the	entire	Sales	and	Marketing	team	on	the
      Sales	and	Marketing	SLA.	Manage	the	Sales	and	Marketing	machine	on
      a	daily	basis.
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